Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I was asking if it is going to be delayed or will it come in the upcoming update, plus it was literally leaked

Leaks aren’t real

The bonus testing period ended today.

Doesnt matter. Gajin does not acknowledge leaks

Part 3 let’s goooooooooooooooo

They will use the +35% value given for the first 1990s DU hull package developed (and which SEPv2 most likely has already) just because it’s the only official source stating any values, not accounting that the one implemented in 2015 may, indeed, be even better…

The same way they used Leopard TVM’s values from the 1990s to model 2A7V’s 2021’s armor under the same premise of “it’s the only numbers we have”.


@Smin1080p_WT Why F14B doesn’t get the new nation bonus?

Well we did get a reply regarding the 18C.

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The announcement says testing goes until the 29th of August tho

Because it got discussed to death, but a non controversial superhinf will get nothing


Im just gonna wait for someone to mention swedish armor trials and have them blame sweden for the abrams in game armor

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to low BR, but bonus testing period has ended so.

When: From August 22nd until August 29th (12:00 GMT).


Yet the 12.3 sea harrier did count for the bonus.

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I love how the 1990s armor trials involving two pre-production prototypes (Leclerc prototype, Leopard TVM (2A5 prototype)) and a downgraded export package of an early iteration of a baseline model (export M1A2) are taken like some kind of Armor Bible for 2010s-2020s tanks lmao


Clearly the swedish are to blame for it so blame them and not gaijin for their poor implementation

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Welcome to round three of the infighting about an update we know nothing about other than a leaklist that was right a couple times

Well i’m stupid, lol…
for some reason my brain went:

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Smins, here quick i gotta mention KV-1B

What counts as a “Top” vehicle?

  1. A vehicle where the maximum Battle Rating of the vehicle among all modes is no more than 2 steps lower than the maximum Battle Rating of the vehicle in this research tree (in the tree type in a nation).