Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I’m going to repeat my question… have you USED Ds and Gs without a targeting pod? because this is not a moot point…

Even with a Tpod the 65Bs are still locked to a 5-7km range to lock onto moving targets though.

yes but you can spot targets far easier with Bs than you can with Gs and Ds because their built in camera is ass. Combined with the fact that all 3 missiles on these 2 planes require you to get in close range, the F-16 is far better at that.

I’m happy with the F-5E and the P-16 tbh

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not saying Japan has good CAS, it’s just a damn sight better at it than Germany is Jet wise. (heli wise germany takes the cake)

they’re a firm 9th place on the list

EF-2000 T2 Blk 10 as a full Multirole fighter

EF-2000 T1 Blk 2 & Blk 5 none A/G weapons & targeting pod, and pure Air superiority fighter


Of course someday. But few patches later

it does seem odd that China is gonna get such a dominant jet with no other top tier jet being added in response-

I don’t usually spawn CAS in top tier, so no, I haven’t. (Or I should rather say that I don’t usually play GRB above 10.3.)

Checking in test flight tho, I do prefer the camera on the Ds and Gs, as it isn’t zoomed nearly as much. I do admit that the zoom on them isn’t great and that the additional zoom would come in handy tho

at least not US or Russia dominating for once

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tbh unless gaijin can pull a miracle, russia might not ever dominate air ever again

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lmao true

probably the same as in ground will happen. Russia just gets more modern planes compared to the rest

well with ground russia has a lot of its really advanced prototypes that they never put into production to lean on.

For air… Not so much-

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yeah you might be right then.


Although to be fair on that front I have no idea how they differentiate from As made in 1994 as opposed to As that were essentially C variants

To be fair all I read is it got a “limited A/G ability”

As in, it didn’t get GPS guided weapons, didn’t get ALARM/HARM/etc. and all that.

LGBs are presumably on the cards by what you’ve posted.

they gave it HMD cos swedish mains were complaining the SA Gripen was a C model and got HMDs, the Swedish one didn’t even have it originally till they changed it later on tbh…

The swedish Gripen A originally didn’t get HMD. Until 2000 iirc. It was also tested with RB71 and RB99. Gaijin just decided to add the early gripen A. The gripen A was decommissioned in 2012 and replaced by the gripen C’s everything it has now is what was mounted on it. The upgrade included the HMD but everything else it could already use. Its still missing some weapons but gripens from the get go were set up with the intent of being able to carry everything in swedish use. It was the C that expanded on that.