Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Lets be real we all know its gonna use the Puma turret… its obvious by this point as the least resource intensive idea…

They definitely should when it comes to deliberate decisions made by the operator nation

Let’s hope we get this boxer


u mean like the US F5 deliberately didnt have flares?

but the puma turret doesn’t make sense if the puma s1 comes aswell.

The only reason i can think of is that the puma boxer without spikes will be placed lower at maybe 9.3 because it doesn’t have the survivability of the puma.

yeah that would be the best option next to the skyranger

they should, but gaijin is very picky and choosy about what they do.

Remember the 2PL DM53 fiasco? I do, it still makes me laugh to this day.
Gaijin - “we’re giving the 2PL DM53”
Players - “Fine but give the Type 90s a better round”
Gaijin - “The Type 90s never used a better round, we don’t give rounds to tanks that never used them”
Players - “Fine don’t give the 2PL DM53 it never used it”

Gaijin a few months later - “We’re taking away the Arietes best round, giving them DM53 that they’ve never used, have fun!”


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to be honest, i could see it being very very fun at that br

Presumably because they don’t forsee the need to kill anyone on the ground with anything.

Though privately I really do hope they at least have some dumb bombs.

screw that give me a skyranger

The Swiss people are against the use of their military planes for ground attack purposes iirc

it would certainly be better than the puma is now at 10.0

Skyranger 30 and 35 are near i can feel it, just don’t let them them touch the RPM just put it at the maximum and we all going to be fine

Afghanistan Shilka is what the BTR-ZD should’ve been. Hopefully the BR isn’t insanely high, but I can’t see why anyone could complain.

  1. It’s iconic.
  2. It fits a niche BR (assumedly).
  3. Quad-barrels at assumedly low-enough BR to be useful.

I’m excited!

what ifv gaijin does a meme and adds this boxer

which means unless Gaijin overrides this rule, Germany isn’t getting a competitive CAS jet until the EFT Tranche 1 Block 5

And? Have you looked at Japan?


Additional photo’s of Mi-24PN. Fun fact, Mi24PN used thermal based on Nocturn → domestic 2nd gen thermal sight.

at that point add the rct 120 if they doing the tracked boxer