Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

had that too

eh. flagging needs to be reworked further imo but there we are.

Its Gaijin. Will take 3 BR updates at least for it to go to 10.3

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Ye i just got 4 messages flagged for no reason whatsoever, for offensive and inappropiate

ahem I think you mean it’s not russian or american, it’ll take 3 updates ahem

Look at the last BR changes lmao. Hunter F.1 was begging for 8.7 but no lmao

I was more thinking the F4JUNK which is worse than the FGR2 whilst being 11.3 whilst the FGR2 is 10.7 in SB. Been reported now for about a year+

Told ya


Can’t wait to fail to use a mortar

Can I haz f4f ice my good sir?

Or it to do no damage to light tanks with a direct hit

any new stuff in the files ?



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Personal soft bet/hope. AVRE will be the event vehicle and not too much effort needed to get it just in time for D-Day.

That would be lovely.


Lord smin how is your day

I agree, first the TOG and now the AVRE. Yet some mains claims to not be loved.

40k for 10 stages take it or leave it lol

nice for low tier but if you play mainly top tier I totally get not feeling loved

Lets put it this way.

Jaguar IS is basically a DOA and pointless aircraft

Object 292 is a meta vehicle at its BR and is probably massively under-BRed.

Churchill AVRE might be good. Or it might be a giant meme that is basically useless in battle. Based upon the Centurion AVRE. Its gunna have a long reload, be really hard to use and do basically no damage even with direct hits. Time will tell though

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Isnt it a 280mm spigot mortar though? should be like a mini sturmtiger.

Basing on the Centurion AVRE is very bad idea.

AVRE will be ~90mm armour with a 30 second reloadish and maybe if gaijin feel nice, 200m range gun xD

It will be a terrible meme vehicle but funi, I do hope gaijin decide to do the mk VII instead and just say “look this is actually useable” which is 152mm armour and the cents gun (mostly).

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