Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

To be fair, it looks like a bunch of top tier stuff is overperforming across the board, Gaijin has been too generous. More 2nd and 3rd gen planes will be able to breathe a bit better once the top performing planes are corrected realistically.

idk shooting T90Ms with L27 doesnt seem to do a whole lot lol

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Horizon Nova

well thats more of the L27’s fault than the T90 to be fair

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where are you shooting

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yeah thats my point why is the 2E and Blacknight the same BR as the T90M and BVM they actually have functioning armour

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Unlike the Mig-23s the Draken (except premium) and the Viggens arent in an overly great place currently. Good turn rate is basically the only thing going for them. But a lot of that is just decompression

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drivers port, LFP you know the usual spots

Yeah they’re not on par with the other top tiers, even the 3TD could probably be 11.3 and it would be fine

Volumetric for you

Drakens turn performance made no sense in hindsight. Making very small turn radius and outrating a lot of things it shouldn’t. Planes like Tornado are underperforming relative to other planes since other planes overperform so much.

yeah I will never get the whole trying to add several tons, removing the turret spall liner and then removing the 5 second reload it just seems like they were trying to make it bad

Hey at least its not a Merkava

Maybe, though with the exception of the premium one, Drakens dont have flares. and have a brutal BR. I get why people odnt want nerfs.

Viggen maybe… But Tornado has better radar and missile at the same BR.

Im not against historically accurate modeling. But I understand why they are concerned

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Oh and the fact that the 35D has no flares. Yet it gets to fight A-10s and Su-25s which basically is a death sentence if you go too close to one

liked by gszabi


Yeah. Heck it could see Tornado F3s and F-14s with no CMs

Hopefully it will get BR drop with this change

Yo what the hell happened appart from the delussional arguments of 02ded

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Perhaps because of no flares and nerfed turn rate, it can be moved down to the appropriate BR where the lack of flares won’t hurt it too much.

Which is, quite frankly, disgusting. And then people wonder (or don’t) why they don’t see any