Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

the only thing you give away is the kitty cat xD

Well… We all know Britain is gunna get another Challenger 2 Variant instead of an IFV next update.

But as long as there is a Sea Harrier FA2 somewhere. We’ll let gaijin off.

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Oh, I was hit by the mass flagging too. (I know I’m late)

Ok mostly understandable. What, the Canadian TT C&P number post? Ok, people really don’t want to admit that there are not 100% C&P nations left.

It was also part of that convo about how the tree isn’t 100% C&P.

Can’t wait for devblog with canadian Premium 2a4 for germany

Need to trigger the People here


Im just looking forward to Britain getting the Boxer as our Top tier IFV


Congrats on your Canadian ATADS hunting machine.

As all it will be used for is hunt the Canadian thing it served with.

There has been several rumors about the possible premium pack of T-80UE-1. It could have been a good 11.3/11.7 tech tree vehicle as a backup for T-80BVM…
Another thing I would like to ask is that if there will be any Thai or Korean vehicles in this update. Vehicles from East European countries will also be nice.

i mean the ones which u armed yeah sure

Can’t wait for devblog with Dutch Premium 2a4 for France

Need to trigger you

Ok flagger have you need Smin statement and the leak list ?


How dare you

but you prob get another shitty warrior
Which will be dead on arrival

could be a premium, but highly unlikely in my opinion, russia just got a new top tier premium last update

from what we heared the thai sub tree gonna be moved back to a later update, we are getting benelux this one

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Desert Warrior won’t be DOA

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i mean, we realy dont got a problem with it lol, it will make the french angrier then the germans propably kek


You never know when it comes to Russia stuff gets weird

Oh no some German mains are still mad

Why ?
Would be the first step to get Embt for france and germoney :P

eh the fewest of us, most of us are happy to be able to “claim” switzerland as a result

Can’t wait for the American LAV-III. Built uses tech that existed by General Dynamics Land Systems-Canada. An subsidy of an American company making it 100% American.

ok guys lets go to part 4
