Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Unfinished prototype

one more week end to go throw hopefully

convince gajin to add the plane that shall not be named and i wont have a problem with this spaa

Part 4?

Challenge accepted


i mean, just start playing UK, they will end up with rafaels as well either way kek

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The early access plane? :)




Yeah… At this rate we’ll have the best soviet and French aircraft before we even get the best British one

I say try the Aussi Beaufort, it’s tail gunner is such a meme and you thought the BV bomber is bad lol

I predict in 2 years gaijin might considered new active radar homing BVRAAM, max lock-range longer and better R-27ER

I’m looking forward another AIM-9M late variants on USA aircraft to rank VIII ~ IX before AIM-9X Blk. I

you’re delusional.

That MICA is better or that they would fix the TVC issue

i mean, its not hard being better then the amraams lol, they just are the best cost effective missle for masss production, a lot countries developed and offer way better missle solution at this point


I wouldn’t be surprised if the US was very much capable of making something much better than the AIM-120A at the time, but reduced the technology sophistication. This was shown to be done with AIM-9M where the US had intentionally gimped the capabilities of the AIM-9M.

Not gonna give anything away, but I’m curious. What are those vehicles?


Honestly should add troll face emoji to that lol


oh could be the case, i am not well versed enough in the matter for this. I only know that other countries are better in that regard, USA is one of the best in terms of aircraft development itself dont take me wrong. But they did grew compliant and are lacking way behind on missle development itself, with every competitor nearly having better missles in their sortiment

Smells a bit odd



America does tend to have a

“Why build something that is the absolute apex, when we can build something that is good, but then build 10 of them”

Where Europe tends to have a

“We cant build 10 of everything, so lets make that 1 count as 10” policy (usually)