Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Its just big bomb that is TV guided no motor

I don’t think Gaijin has decent scales for weight in regards to update names.

Italian ground tree got overshadowed by rank VI air with 3 new aircraft and Italian naval tree got overhadowed by the F-104 lol.

“ That’s the end of today’s blog.” So my guess is no

no, in dev, a poor one, 336kg tnt equal, and kab-500 seeker, basiclly, junk.

im no gonna belivie people about it being better or equal until its in game, last time I did that I was heavily disappointed with the lightning F6, and knowing gaijin the early EFT will preform like dogshit and everyone else will already have planes preforming better then them

okay but that’s not what you said. You explicitly stated that they are equal to early typhoons

well ,The n. 8902 was just vacated.

in dev, this

I expect teaser Thursday, dev stream and dev server Friday. That’s the norm since quite a few updates

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Makes me want my AASM Hammer with choices of guidance harder now they got an ever better CAS


If the meta is spamming ARH. Then we’ll have maybe 2 per aircraft. They’ll have 6.

Nothing in the US or USSR arsenal can match the typhoon and Rafale in WVR. But in BVR the F15C and Su27 match it

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Idk who knows how much CP there is
If they wanted the teaser to focus on Fox-3 they wouldn’t have already posted 2 devblogs about it


ok, i get the wrong one, that is ap shell, this, is 704kg tnt equal, not quite useful also

Another shit for the air? Jesus. This is what? 4 devblogs and so far only interesting thing was the Baby Bradley

plane game


4 on Gripen
4 on SHar
4 on MiG-21 afaik
4 on the Tornado eventually

Jumping to the typhoons because 4 < 6 is a bit much imo, assuming the Su-27 blog is representative of the max ARH it can carry

Afaik for early early rafale it’s 4x ARH and 2x Magic 2.

If it would be a low/mid tier plane that i wouldnt mind, especialy if it would be someting interesting. But nope. Looks, smae jet with tiny bit different pay load and new missle, in which half of the people will complain that it is OP and the second will complain that it is broken and doesnt work

4 on shar with no other weapons
4 on Gripen with only 2 aim 9
4 on the mig 21 with no other weapons
4 on the tornado (aim9 is already useless at that BR)


6 ARH and 4 IR on a platform that can use them all

Yup, sound like the most powerfull loadout of the next update, with probably new F-15 not far (dunno it’s best loadout).

Seems terrifying.