Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Hard to not believe this when Gaijin always talk and do big speech and letters to the commu when some of the big 3 nation have a problem, but other are just keep in shadows.

Also very convenient how everything going smooth for them since the PSO and their anger toward it.

Want to believe you but the way things are done don’t go toward that.


You can prepare your popcorn.


Same could be said for American or German tech…

My gripe, and I think a lot of people’s, with Commonwealth vehicles is the complete inconsistency with their placement.

MEXAS gets added to the German tree and we’re told it’s because the base vehicle is a Leopard. Fine, makes sense even if I don’t entirely agree with the placement.

Then the M1A1 AIM gets added to the US tree, reinforcing the point that Britain won’t get foreign built tanks just because they’re Commonwealth. Again, fine even if I don’t agree.

But then Britain gets the T-90 Bhishma and to really pour salt in the wound Germany gets the Swiss Hunter. So suddenly it’s completely OK for Britain to get foreign built tanks just because they’re Commonwealth…

…And now the 2A4M CAN is going to Germany because it’s a foreign built tank, and at the same time Britain might be getting a MiG-21. There wouldn’t be so much controversy if the placement of Commonwealth vehicles wasn’t decided by a blind dart throw.


Same here, a post from the 25 is gone now

You can prepare to turn off your notifications. )))

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Bold of you to assume people have not already been spam tagging me for months here )))


That’s far from the case in German top tier air, where the leak shows only the F4F ICE which many have said as being insufficient. No viable fixed wing CAS at top tier either.

Whereas France already has multiple viable air superiority and CAS vehicles at top tier (Mirage 4000, Mirage 2000D, Mirage 2000C, Mirage 2000-5F with eventual MICAs). And despite several of these vehicles, is now getting F-16s at the same BRs fulfilling the same roles.

And still no proper CAS or air superiority for Germany.

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It was good thank you. A few days in Warsaw :)


Yea that my main point. Spot on

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Let me guess its gonna be 74.99$ or 69.99$?

So do you mind if I ask: Is it gonna be a show that will go down in flames? Cause I have the feeling how it will go.

Very Soon™" ??


That doesn’t mean it needs a subtree, it can have small additions like the Swiss Hornet since we already got the Swiss Hunter as a justification for it. Doesn’t need to be a subtree but it can be a singular addition as a stop gap solution.

Salt and vinegar popcorn is now cooking! Cheers to the next update!

Well German players didn’t really want the Swiss Hunter either… most would prefer an Argentine aircraft


Something devious finna happen today…! Popcorn ready

Smin went to Poland. Polish TT confirmed.


Warsaw? Is that a hint for the upcoming Polish tree that is real and totally coming soon?