Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Okay this is starting to get out of hand. Maybe we should all calm down I understand some people are annoyed about the Leopard 2A4M CAN Is going to Germany but please lets all calm down. It ain’t worth getting the R&R Discussion locked for this.

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Not really a luxury anyone can ask for. I don’t think Italian players were clamoring for a bunch of copy-paste Russian jets either.

The commonwealth does not just include NATO vehicles. Yes, there are Russian based vehicles that are also in the commonwealth )))

These are also commonwealth vehicles.


It’s funny how you want to sound like we are treated equally when you got your second rank 7 mbt, or that it’s normal that you got it now.

And also when some of you cried for the PSO, you got quickly the 2A7 with spall liner.

We got the same problem with ou AZUR that you got with your PSO (also a downgrad of the previous mbt), except we didn’t get anything.

But yeah, you are in the same needs of course.

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shhhhhhhhh :)

I do agree, the normal 87 WE proto is a better fitting prem

Exactly. It’s mildly irritating, but it’s also not the end of the world.

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Well as I’ve been told:
Just don’t play them if you don’t want them :)

Idk why you guys are so against Indian vehicles, they could bring many unique additions.

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Which I won’t be playing Britain anymore

Time to swap to Germany :))))))

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Hungary was even worse, at least the Bison is relatively unique

Yea, i dont know why they are so mad, im all for it coming to UK


It does look very cool. Unfortunately, the add-on armour is mostly CE-protection.

Funny enough I did start with Germany lol

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I’m glad you were able to peacefully resolve your inner conflicts.

It’s a community helper, get em! :) Also I expect a potential Canadian leopard to go to Germany after the first one did so, not surprised.

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I think it’s the other way around lol. You’ll want to swap off Germany top tier ground for the weeks/months to come lol.

I would just add the Leopard 2A7 and PSO were planned many months in advance. They were not added because anyone cried. That’s not how we plan content development long term or how it works.


There is a reason why I am taking a neutral stance on the CAN Leopard. But I can see where the wind is blowing so I ain’t arguing. Arguing will get me nowhere if I do.