Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

At least gajin change targeting pod to Litening III and new radar (PS-05/A Mk 3) instead PS-05A on Gripen C from HuAF & SAAF, and swedish JAS39 Gripen C early like HuAF & SAAF 96% (radar & targeting pod). but IR & ARH MRAAM like Gripen A

I want to see Tornado GR.4 early with armament early 2000’s (before operation Iraqi freedom) after Tornado GR.1 on rank 8 because not very modern armament and equipped TIALD 400 pod but before Tornado GR.4 (2012) in rank 9

In the future Jaguar GR.3A with ASRAAM located after Harrier GR.7 at rank 8 but before Harrier GR.9A (RAF) ?

Also people have made it pretty clear they dislike nations like sweden receiving trial vehicles so i doubt we’d see the Halli trial vehicles outside the f18/A

Heres the gaijin response to your later gripen C, "the current model of gripen has missiles and a radar so we see no need to add another gripen currently.
(Sarcasm for those who take this literally, some will still ignore it)

Would that not be an identical C&P of the Tornado Gr1?

Yes it would have the Mk103 Engine and things like an updated cockpit and the FLIR. But the main point of adding the Gr4 should be other upgades. Like Gen 3 Tpod, Brimstones, TERMA, etc.

I dont entirely see the point of adding a second 11.3 Tornado IDS to the British TT.

maybe. Depends on whether the Gr9A has Aim-9Ms or ASRAAM

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So i have to ask again since you think a Targeting pod and radar would equal a new vehicle. What vehicle currently is an exact copy of that? Maybe Barack 2 is the closest but thats getting amraams which will make it different.

The leaklist claiming to be for this update said that the VLT 2 torpedoboat and the Pr.89.2 Kondor II minesweeper would be in this update, they’re both cold war.

And if the earlier Baidu leaklist is correct abt this update starting the French Coastal CBT, then that 's practically guaranteed to have additional coldwar vessels.


Meh, i just hope.

We still don’t have any coldwar vessel in bluewater when some other nations have some missile yeeter and all…

I hope the coastal gonna come more worked on that the bluewater was on its release (and stilll is) but doubt…

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Did Japan Tryal them with the inted of purchase?
Or how does the F11 Super tiger stand in connection to Japan?
(a quick google search gave me nothing so i guess its a lesser known thing)

@Smin1080p would be the perfect moment or?


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Although It’s never been said that Italy was a German subtree, yes, there were Italian planes within the German TT, but they never claimed it to be a subtree.

Japan ordered 100(?) Super Tigers. Ordered, as in the MoD and Diet both agreed to sign the papers and pay the money to buy the jets.
However, the devi- I mean, Lockheed Martin used its immense power to bribe Japanese officials into buying the F-104 instead. An unpopular decision as they had already signed the contract to buy the Super Tiger, and they found it to be a superior aircraft over the F-104 (as if that part wasn’t obvious lmao).
The bribery scandal was kind of big as it affected numerous F-104 and Tri-Star operators.


Imagine a mechanical radar scanning in linear patterns.
An AESA does the whole designated sector at once.
A regular radar paints one target for a missile at a time. ( Some only update one or more for datalink as they scan on).
An AESA is full scanning plus also designating a lot if not all hostiles, all at once.

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Premium or event for something iconic that served as Germany’s front line fighter for awhile seems…weird

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Ah ok very interesting.
Would be a nice addition but i guess the chance is very small that we would get that.

Did he check if it was with flaps down by chance so he didn’t screw up like with F-8E lol?

Actually not surprsied by that one. Always looked like it was overperforming

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You forgot about 1 of 2 rank 8 squadron tanks, the T 80 U.

Love how Sweden and Germany just get rank 8 squadron tanks for 0 conceivable reason.

I already mentioned before that the t80 made no sense. It shouldve been the christian 2 or a finnish patria

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I dont work for gaijin, gaijin made a really cool finnish air tree with a ton of unique vehicles wanna see it?

I dont own these this was someone elses image

(Hey at least they learned there lesson with finland and made hungary have some cool unique ground additions that are really useful. Hopefully theyll continue that trend with air right? Right…?)


I mean they just do whatever.
11.3 T-80UK? Rank 7.
11.3 M1A1 AIM? Rank 7.
11.0 T 80 U? Rank 8.
11.3 Leopard 2PL? Rank 8.

But specifically Swedish T-80 is about how Gaijin are willing to put “Would have been, could have been” which I like and think is cool.

Not too keen on how really inconsistent and arbitrary they seem with it sometimes.

I wish they’d drop the pretense and just say “We do whatever we think fits or is needed.”