Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

aim4 pls.

i think that israel should recive the GGVBDVFGJ, but the JETGERETETE should be fine too… you know…

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I think most of the swedish players agree the t80 qnd kungstiger was a bad idea. Unfortunately Smin told us that they dont want to devalue the KV-1b by giving it to finland so that explains why it wasnt chosen and when i suggested that the kv-1b or a be given to finland when the kungstiger leaked first popped up i got my fair share of threats from german players saying swedish players just wanted more of “their” equipment. On the topic of the t80u it shouldve been a patria model or something unique like the 2PL, m109, and a few other squadron vehicles. The helicopter is the only thing i support because there is literally nothing else. Just like cas for sweden. You could add a Norway/Denmark sub tree to the last air line available and it wouldnt fix that lol.

One nation more which drives around in Leopard 1’s and 2. Pretty watered down tank model and bad for flavor. When I play Ger hightier, its always like playing against myself. Too often the same tanks models as opponents.

Swiss ground for germany would add a bu ch of cool tanks and some unique variants of existing tanks.

Globally exported tank is globally exported tank.

Unfortunately or not going to find a bunch of different MBTs in the modern day. Variants yes new no.

It mostly support vehicle like IVFs, APCs and SPAA the are unique in the modern day.

WW2 and 50s/60s are where you find all the unique stuff.


I’m looking forward to farming Sea Harriers, if that counts.


Yea, but France has it Leclercs, Sweden its STRV’s, Italy Arietes … They don’t all need to get Leopards 2AXY etc on top.

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Then surely Germany doesn’t need F-16s and Apaches do they?


Dont be so sure they’ll be an easy kill. Blue Vixen is one hell of a radar and the SHAR has a few tricks

Technically the STRVs are Centurions and Leopards.

And Italy is buying Leos.

Tell gaijn to add unique models of stuff instead of copy paste then. Finland didnt need a 2a6 they needed their domestic designs but the o ly one they added for “top” tier was via an event.

Tiger UHT is ok. Got used to it. Since Stingers don’t totally fail anymore its a good chopper. Anyways as if there’s a chance to get an Apache or F-16 for Ger^^

Bruh sorry to hear that but yea this is what I hate about mains.

They seems to want everything and the kitchen sink but when other nations want there stuff that if rightfully theirs now. They go on a hissy fit.

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Nah i dont think its their fault as much as it is gaijins, if gaijin would spend a small amount of time and balance subtrees with what they need and copy paste/unique designs it could be pretty cool.

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Fighter jets are supersonic for a reason. Thankfully Harrier players don’t understand that.

Tell that to the Argentinians

I feel attacked


Yeah the sub sonic A4s did destroy british ships


Maybe in real life but a jet that could be used like a WW2 prop would always be better in WT.

(Blame the fact all the game modes are still built around WW2. After all Gaijin will do everything in its power to act like it’s still a “WW2 game” and I think I know why and you all should too)