Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I kind of agree with him. I always enjoy shitting on Fascist Germany because they got what came to them, but I also respect the Germans to much and only serves to make us all hate each other if we make it a big deal.


I’m waiting to know if the Benelux will have more that just a low tier prop. (Over just hopes)

And for the Churchill AVRE

Thats kind of a bad take honestly, The GDR and FDR are german regardless of how you want to look at it. Seeing vehicles from russia in service on the german TT has 100% purpose and should be shown and given more attention from gaijin. While its not a good portion of history for some its its an important part additionally the vehicles they could receive would help bolster their lineups and they shouldnt be considered a sub tree like you think, idk that sounds kinda petty from you or at least thats how i read it so if that wasnt your intent no harm then.

It is not the place to talk about it, if you want to learn about it you have Wikipedia, books, etc. not the forum of a game on a topic that has nothing to do with it

It is dumb, but if it has R-77, then I’m buying it.

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Well I had no intention to hurt your feelings. This is the first time I heard about this incident. You should blame others instead for talking about a topic that has nothing to do with this thread.

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If I ever by it, it would be for a Canadian April fool joke skin.

The funny

MiGStory10 (1)

Without having to play USSR.

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Because gaijin sees that they have a tornado and its close enough. Literally the most bland and boring gaijin take but that is the only thing i can see for why germany doesnt get better CAS. Also if that logic applied to sweden for CAS wouldnt they have something? I get that it was used for helicopters but i legit cant think of that being used for their CAS at all.

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F22s? I dont remember the US making any deals to sell the f22 to foreign countries. Maybe you meant to say f35.

it has R77 and possibly R-27ER/R

I did both today >:)

He meant F22. UK was planning to buy F22

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They are… In the Anglosaxon sphere that is. In Germany and Belgium the Dutch are more often called ‘cheese heads’ aka kaaskoppen(a derogatory term for Hollanders in Brabant or for general Dutch people in Belgium)/käsekopf(a WWII term the German soldiers called the dutch during the invasion)

Agreed, independently it doesn’t make any sense to add the dutch themselves to France.
However, they are possibly adding the whole BeNeLux to france, which is an entity which would better stay together I think. (but an independent TT would have been far better anyway).

Out of the two options (FRA/GER), the french option is the least bad one. You should be able to fight your invaders in WT. How else would you be able to shoot down Ju 88 and Bf109’s with your Fokker D.XXI or G.1 Wasp?

This is the tenth time or so this argument has come up in this thread.

  1. It’s mostly a logistical issue: The Germans wanted to shrink their budget, but still keep an operative force. Pooling together with the dutch was the best economical choice for Logistical reasons.
  2. The Germans and French also have such a cooperation where the battalion is split between French and German soldiers.
  3. The command structure is still independently Dutch in practical terms.
  4. The BeNeLux works more closely together in the defensive front than just the 3 armoured divisions for Germany: The Belgian/Dutch Navy are under the same admiralty and share uniforms. The Air forces both cover the same airspace. The Biological/Nuclear forces both are under the same partnership, same for the artillery forces…

An option could be to split modern and WWII stuff between two nations, but personally I don’t like it that much.


Really interesting

Nope. US wanted to sell F-22s to the UK. UK evaluated them and everything (was a doc on the forums but I cant find it at the moment). But UK wanted the multirole payload that came with the Typhoon


Yea heli’s was a fair game but the T-80U and the King tiger just takes it.

However because Germany hasn’t got anything from service and I want to keep Germany as Germanely possible I wouldn’t mind filling in top tier holes with trailed stuff over a country that could easily be added.

I just mean that if Gaijin gives it R-77, rather than restricting it to R-27 series. Unless you have some inside info…

We were also offered F-117s

Maybe it was one of the out there proposal in real life.

Or the got mixed up with my HOI4 game I’ve been posting on discord we share that I’ve been able to build them as a different country.

R77 is one the key features of this upgrade. There’s no way gaijin is not going to add R77. If they indeed restrict it to just R27 then it would face hard time in toptier battles. Also there’s no evidence of it carrying R-27 but according to manuals/brochures it can.