Most Britain players I know on the forums don’t even want those two, so they would probably be upset that you use these as a reason they can’t get Canada or Australia (which they want)
I think the general consensus, in here at least, is that we’d prefer CAN/AUS instead of India - it makes much more sense to have NATO kit from those nations than Russian kit from India (I’m generally apathetic)
And? French don’t want Netherlands added to France either lol. If Netherlands is coming at all it should go to Germany at least there are historical and industrial ties.
Trying to figure out what historical ties between between Germany and the Netherlands overshadow that of France and the Dutch.
Dutch fought on the same side during WW2, Netherlands used a fair amount of French equipment, both share an EU alliance, NATO too ever since France rejoined that.
I don’t care that france gets benelux, but I find it really bad that france gets a subtree before japan. Japan has like no vehicles at rank 6 and above.