Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I mean the UK and Sweden both went well over a year without a competitive fighter


yeah, i wish the game remembered whether or not you had CM slaving enabled rather than having to change it every time you launch the game

tornado f3 still was competitive
for sweden really i could only cry

but now situation is much better
while germany just flies on boring mig29(reskin + new load)

thats a pretty funny joke lol

and tornado, which is not suitable for 12.7 ground

That’s one hell of a wishlist/off topic there.

Please fold/spoil pictures at least when you have a lot of them


Well the best we can do is hope the next update after this one will give Germany a competitive fighter, until then. Big F for Germany. :p

Germany DA5/IPA(3/7) , British DA4/IPA(1/2), Italian DA7

yeah pretty much I hope for a DA EFT

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I think the earlier ones are a better call especially when the DA4 is a twin seater and would be at a massive disadvantage 1, 2, and 3 would all have Mk104 engines so wouldnt be that far ahead of other jets

And all this is happening while those who receive Eurofighter already have competitive Jas-39 … But only Germany is not included in this list of countries. And the fun of Italy with Britain.

wouldnt say that, we will see once they come

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god no germany doesnt need one if they get an F16

German DA1…

EJ-200 Series 03Z, IRIS-T.

But don’t forget that all the countries on these DA1 at least didn’t have all this. And it could not have become a top tier due to the lack of Aim-120 and or Defensive Aid Sub System, so basically RWR, ECM, MWS and IFF.

does france need 2 F-16 lol?

France also does not need all German technologies.PZH-2000, 2A4,2A6 in the presence of tons of better leclerc.

no and you will find people complaining about it lol, also not to be that guy but uh how the turn tables (germans asking for multiple planes they had no part in from multiple nations)


@Smugspite besides that argentinian F-16 still is very very new and havent even realy arrived in argentinia yet. The only argentinian F-16 we saw yet is a 2 seater variant, and gajin wont make / to much work to start modelling that one newly. Considering the deal was pretty much signed a month ago

again difference is that germany high tier air is dead, this is not the case for british air, you still have air options.
You received a grippen and on top of that are receiving indian aircraft as well now