Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

all depends if the J-8F get put up in BR

True, FA2 at 12/12.3 would be managable. But if it ends below that. Like 11.7… I would be in heaven

(though Gr7 also at 11.7… questionable which is better)

think its limit will be 4 amraam with no guns so it could be lower in BR

Yeah, 4 is absolute max, with no other weapons

Buts is Blue Vixen + Aim-120B vs 11.3s = easy kills or not?

If it does, then 12.0/12.3 might necessary. If they are barely better than Aim-7M/SkyFlast ST, just with a few extra bells and whistles (especially if its affected by multipathing badly) Then hard to see a reason for it to be any higher than 11.7

One thing i am wondering is if some of the existing 12.0 tech tree aircraft will get fox 3s

things like the Italian ADF, Chinese MLU and YaK-141 can all technically get them no issue, but will they is what i am wondering and if they do will they move up?

Yeah, A lot of un-answered questions in todays devblog

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Yak-141 has had unused loadouts for R-77 longer than R-77 itself has been in the files, so it seems like a fairly safe bet that it 's planned to receive them.

The ADF(ITA) and Blk 20 are harder to make a prediction on, they use AMRAAM in reality but aren’t the only platform for MR-ARH those techtree 's have available even w/o new additions.

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things like the Italian ADF, Chinese MLU and YaK-141 can all technically get them no issue, but will they is what i am wondering and if they do will they move up?

I am speaking purely of my personal desire here, but what I consider as the absolute worst case scenario for the Chinese aviation tech tree is for the F-16A MLU to not get its Fox 3s but instead directly lead to the J-10 with PL-12. I really hope to Heaven that Gaijin won’t pull this move.

still annoyed that the F-4J(UK) has a 9L loadout that isnt used ;_;


i dont think that the yak is going to get them, they dont have the r73 either

same with IRCCM missles the MLU could have gotten 9M and been moved up but it never happened
not to mention china’s lack of IRCCM missiles in general atm

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Due to the SHarrier being more manoeuvrable than the F-4F, I’m assuming they’ll both be 12.3.

Yeah… Its a question for a lot of aircraft.

What is better. Stay at current BR with current loadouts, or move up with a better loadout?

Maybe… Id actually put them about equal. Though ICE would have more weapons (and no weapon compromises), supersonic, possibly more CMs (at least without compromise the FA2 has to make)

FA2 would have VIFF and better radar

They’ll both be outclassed by fourth and 4.5th gen fighters, however, so the BR doesn’t matter as long as they’re at least 12.3.

Yeah, they could be the same, Shall just have to wait and see what gaijn does with them

the max weapons the FA.2 could have is 4 aim-9 and 2 aim-120
unless AIM-9’s can be carried on the inner pylon

yeah but in the case of the f16s they can just add a new one and just name it “late”, on the yak isnt really the case.

I can see them doing the same for the F3 and Viggen D.

i dont know about the viggen as you also have the other viggen, but on the f3 it would make sense add the AOP as a separate vehicle