Yeah it did, you can see the guns nvm that’s not the guns but i remember seeing a pic of its ammunition belt
Also cause its more sexy then the 25 any day of the fucking week…ahem yes 31 over 25
i also hope for the Dutch PV-2D
I am not sure about this part. From what was generally heard that it was the US shutting down the lavi project first(which is pointless as the lavi would be much more expensive than the F-16, duh), then Israeli engineers shared some knowledge to China.
God hope not otherwise your gonna have another M8 moment
What about the Yak 25? Rank 5 plane
Googled its stats and it seems like to be at least somewhat good. An interceptor I would think of war thunder fitting would be F-106 - with a vulcan and decent FM or Yak-28P - with some very peculiar but interesting missiles.
France still has a tonne of potential tier 5 additions but Gaijin hasnt added them for some reason.
VG 90
Nord 2200
Also P2V-7B which carried 4 20mm offensive guns
French MICA, Chinese PL-12, American AIM-120, Russian R-77, Japanese AAM-4, Israeli Derby and South African R-Darter.
So which ones will Italy, Germany and Sweden get?
Which planes will they get to mount their missiles?
Italy: Probably Gripen C, maybe F-16A and AV-8B+
Germany: F4F-ICE
Sweden: Hopefully Gripen C (Maybe Gripen A if they hate Sweden)
Not a single leak list has shown the gripen C so we will see at this point im too tired to argue with gaijin about it. Im fine with sweden getting one more top tier air vehicle forever lol. F18 eventually
I honestly just hope Yak-141 can get R-73 and R-77. So my talisman isn’t wasted. Might make the plane tolerable.
Bri’ish MiGs, French Leopards and another Premium T-80 after the UD how disgusting. ZSL and Desert Warrior is neat tho
It depends if they want to increase its BR or not. A lot of existing airframes could get them. its a question of whether or not they want to increase their BRs. For many, a policy of a second airframe foldered below the first might be needed.
Tornado F3
Viggen D
Yak 141
are all examples of this
I think smin denied c gripen stating a gripen is good enough, but maybe that’s not the right context.
Could be e gripen somewhere or something.
IIRC Hungarian gripen is the most advanced right now anyway.
I dont think anyone is happy about the British Migs
I didnt make it so all conplaints shall be directed to the gaijin paper shre- i mean complaint box.
A cant carry AMRAAMs so unless we arent getting ARHs or theyre getting put on the JA37D we have to get the C
I don’t think a lot of people are happy about that list in general