Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

That’s the thing, on the one had yea it’s a cool aircraft to have but on the other you gonna have to bend rules and regs. Which people will then ask for Jesus, the Holy lord and there mother for other aircraft.

Im just gonna put this out there now if that leak list is right and we still dont get the JAS39C for Sweden im gonna actually cry

It may not be on the list because its all but confirmed already, wouldnt necessarily really be a “leak”

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I will continue to hate unnecessary copy-paste and there’s nothing you can do to stop me!

Im hoping that finland is given the hawk and Gnat but part of me kinda has the idea that they wont get it which sucks cause finland has unique version of them armament wise also camo. Not to mention they are unique and finalnd air has like a 1.3 plane which is unique and yet thats good enough i guess cause they also got a unique tank the bt42. Theres probably anothe plane which is so mid that i dont even know its unique that was introduced but nah finland was basically copy paste through and through. Heres hoping we get a danish/Norwegian line to make sweden air somewhat fun to play through.

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Allegedly Lavi had a lot of things transferred over from F-16. If people allege Lavi was to be better than F-16 and etc. etc. Then I would question those claims, but Lavi isn’t ingame so I’m not concerned about it tbh.

Here’s a better example you could have used though, Derby missile by Israel. People allege it should be one of the most manueverable missiles ingame, but sources I’ve seen show that couldn’t be the case.

Imho sub tree tab or region nations should start with Sweden as they already said Sweden is a home for Scandinavia countries.

As Finland got enough to blow Sweden out of the park in some tiers.

I really dont know why it wouldnt. I feel like they intend every nation to get these trainers eventually and its a pretty easy C&P over to Finland. Would also add some much needed variety onto the swedish air tree, which does look a little light in places

Yes, bad because these helicopters can only hit targets at a maximum distance of 4 km, unlike the Premium Tigers and K50s with their 10 km missiles. Not to mention that the AHS does not have a missile warning system, unlike the K52, Tiger and Apache.

It was sarcasm but i forgot i need to add /s to everything i say my B


A little? More like what sweden air is a bunch of vehicles that require you to rip your toenails off and praise gaijin in order to enjoy them. Jesus christ if i play another match in a lansen or Tunnan ima go crazy. Finland shouldve been what fixed that but was left to rot a imo a useless addition for air. That was only their to get you to buy the j35xs so you could get the ja37D. Their air additions did nothing imo except make the grind longer. Dont get me wrong a few are really solid but for the most part it was the weakest and least amount of effort put into the game id see for a while.

Yeah… and thats part of the reason why i ultimately decided that if/when I grind another nation, it probably would be France, not Sweden :D

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Chose right cause geez, the nerfs that are coming for the Draken and Viggen…

how big of a chance that we will get data link and awacs in the next update? cause i think most of the or even all of the fox-3s have datalink system.

Well, for Draken, maybe that means it can just go down to a sensible BR for no CMs

The lavi was halted by the US who saw it as an adversary to the F-16. Highly doubtful that the US is willing to give Israel the tech - NATO weapons capable avionics.

The derby should at least be 50G+ as it is a python-4 with ARH seeker. For war thunder it doesnt matter if it has a G-limiter for range maintainance because these missiles will be fired at ranges that are as close as possible to ensure kills.

One reason I believe that the derby is poorly represented is frankly honest because the SAAF gripen, identified in the BRITISH TT, operates a copy of the derby. Were thar aircraft removed the derby should return to its intended performance.

Would it be preferable to add the Mig 31 than the 25 since it has a gun?

No. Neither of them will be useful. Interceptors are just too hard to balance for the current stage of the game.

Wanna climb? Get smacked by an AIM-54 or R-27ER1. Sticking to the deck? They literally cant break mach 1 at low alt. Not to mention the obsecure gun placement. It has R-73s so its BR is expected to be 11.0+ and thats pretty much DOA for me.

It is not 50G+ (maybe combined plane it is).it isn’t a Python 4 and I don’t know who told you that. The aerodynamics and canard configurations are vastly different. The Derby trades manueverability for range. In fact, I have sources ready to be submitted to show that Derby should be no more manueverable than AIM-120.

Allegedly the Lavi’s avionics were in part contributed to or gleaned from by the F-16 which angered the US behind closed doors, as Israel was willing to have China look at the Lavi.

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Sweden air is the most lackluster air nation because the only good vehicles are so few and far between that you essentially get about 10 fun vehicles in the entire air tree. J21s are mid, im postive in them and i can say that if low br noobs would try to turn and not fly straight at me i wouldnt have half my kills. Not to mention the j22s, only reason they are where they are is because 13.2 mm are good. Most of sweden has a pretty repetitive motion of great armament poor flight performance and it gets old quick. Only reason i like the j35 is the design and i dont need to go full control and sweat to fight f16’s noobs. The ja37d just dont turn like the j35s and after Rider2 or whatever sends his 8th grade level math to gaijin ima halfway expecting them to go to 9.7 if the changes happen to get accepted. Ive spaded almost every swedish air vehicle up to rank 6 and jesus christ i needed a break. Russia 3.0 has been a comfort br or my Hurricane Mk.1/L FAA M

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