Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

so are you saying the UK should have just gone without a top tier plane for another 3 patches since presumably wanting it to be unique to sweeden means we wouldn’t have got it this patch either

holy shit tysm

i wasnt sure where i remembered seeing it

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Well yeah. The market for WW2 and WW2 adjacent aircraft ended the second Gaijin figured out how to make AAMs.

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Nope, what im saying is the A shouldve come with the f16C then the next update which added the gripen couldve add the C for sweden and britain. Thats not how it went and so this is what we have now.

Not all nations have ARH carriers in game. So several would be needed regardless.

But for several nations I’d be disappointed if they got absolutely none. Aircraft like the Sea Harrier FA2 are long overdue in my opinion. So should be added ASAP, if not in the first update which it appears will be the case.

I don’t think all nations need a new aircraft or at least a new max BR aircraft with them though. But time will tell what does or does not actually get added

fair just the way you worded my bad

Where F-15C for Israel, IMG_4562
plez I pray

Funny isn’t it, soon as there nothing to talk about the C&P haters go back into their little whole lol

Leak No.1 : OMG I hate C&P,

Leak No.2 : OMG I hate C&P,

Devblog : OMG I hate C&P.

Dev server : OMG I hate C&P.

Update : OMG I hate C&P.


Also another thing to note is the gripen is the only good CAS on sweden after 8.3 dont know if youve touch the AJ and AJS but they are pretty shit. Worse flight performance when spaded than a stock JA37C and for 3 years not having tracers fucking sucked.

I know everyone is banging on about modern jets and tanks but this plane has been forgotten. Im really desperate to see it in the game so im advocating for it.

Full img?


I just want to fly my F-4F ICE :(



Honestly its not surprising that gaijin went the finland route when it came to adding vehicles to france. They actively try to add whatever takes them the least amount of effort

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Interesting what they will pick for low to mid tier for the sub, though it’s really is heart breaking the Benelux getting it’s low tier before the Hungarians.

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fixed that for you

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Eh hungary got unique vehicles which are more important imo. Unlike another sub tree ik… honestly sub trees should focus on adding things that are iconic to that tree and some copy paste to bolster area that were hurting.

Atleast I will die in style…
+when I kill someone I can laugh at then because he got killed from a Truck


I appreciate it a lot!

Like I’ve said I’m happy as long they got Fokkers instead of being a Finland air 2.0.

And by the looks of the Fokker G.1 and Mirage 5 BE I have hopes this sub tree gonna be a blast.