Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Oh well

I mean in game they are just a copy paste of the A since the A got the HMD thats it, they are also missing their centre line bombs but yeah no the C is just a copy paste A in game

The A got HMD cause people complained that Sweden was getting an inferior version of their own plane compared to the UK, the C did eventually get its own cockpit but the A was brought up to the C’s standard, at least temporarily iirc

Would we have the P2V-2 Neptune in the game? It is one of the few remaining ww2 era planes not added yet.

yeah right now its they are identical even if the A isnt meant to have a HMD

I believe this was an answer for just prior to South Africa being added as well as immediately after it. Finding that specific quote would be difficult. It’s been in the multiple Rumor rounds up as I can recall.

I’m certain I’m not suffering the Mandela Effect here. I even have it written on a Suggestion draft.

–From what I can remember now, it was always in response to someone asking about how gaps are going to be filled, to which is often said indigenous options were looked at first, then other options were considered.

Patrol aircrafts should be a good side addition with subs. Yes.

Only thing is the gripens for sweden are(and the AJ/AJS) are missing their RB75T. As per usual with gaijin they’d rather add more tanks than add a plane with its actual armament. The whole reason they wont add the center bomb pylons is because they’re lazy. Aslo it was BS to add the A without HMD at the same time as the C. Maybe had they added the gripen back when the f16C was added with a fake air loadout like the Barack 2 it would’ve made sense. Also they couldve worked on the flight model. Regardless they didnt do that and it caused outrage which is pretty understandable.

Thx for the reply. I would like the P2V-2 to be added with the A-26 and the skyraider. It has 6 offensive 20mms

This thing?

could be worse, you guys could have had to wait a full year after the F16C to get the Gripen cough cough the tornado F3 coming out over a year after the F14A cough cough

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Also HMD was one of the first changes added next to the fuel nozzle which would be added to the A and continued with the C model. The A we have in game is essentially just before they added the pylons for bombs to the center and before the 500kg fuel equipment.

We had the ja 37 which if you remember wasnt going to be added with Countermeasures on release. Gaijin also though that skyflashes should only be on the viggen which was dumb. They got changed but gaijin also couldnt be bothered to give sweden a new jet and rather made you grind 400k for a boat with modifications the C used irl.

fair enough its why im confused people want the C so much its going to be the exact same as the A just slightly higher with AMRAAMs, which if R-Darters are still dogshit I hope it will have a different BR to the SA JAS39C



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Oh right I forgot about the P-2
Yeah that’d be kinda bad in game lmao

sweden ground situation is so much different from air lol

Because the C is a staple of swedish air and it wasn’t given anytime to be unique to sweden, gaijin also had the great idea to make it the worst model when the C was in the game. Also seeing the performance of the chasis it wouldve gone to 12.7 even without hmd more then likely. Also if the C was needing something different in order for gaijin to add it to sweden why did isreal get the Barack 2 with a fake loadout it cant use until python 4 and amraams? They had the netz.

Yeah, as a air player for my main i dont give as much of a shit about ground. Especially when everything for sweden ground revolves around 11.7 instead of fixing the lower br problems. Or the lack of a usable rabk 6 jet.

But the aircraft is so iconic. Im very surprised it is not in the game. It took 10 years just to add the B-26.