Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I have been looking forward to new air to air missiles for a long time, and I don’t know if there will be a new aircraft

Not the biggest fan of it either but might still get it, depending on what else comes. I’m basing it on the double leak regarding it.

All I really care about this update. ARH can wait for me if I get to fly Dutch shit.

Some nations need a newer platform for the sake of not murdering their top tier (i.e. Sweden will probably get a JAS39C with 120s, rather than the JAS39A getting 120s and going up in BR, so they still have a 12.7 fighter), and the GB tree had two ARH capable aircraft in the leak list (Sea harrier with 120s and a Indian Mig-21 with R-77s)

Well, that is bloody something. AAM-4s are nice, to be sure. Everything else we already knew of, however.

The Swedish JAS39C w/ RB99s has effectively been confirmed for a long time now.

The Belgians operated my favourite tank, in a rather large capacity too. With Benelux coming it make sense for the FV107 to come now, especially with the Fox last update proving a tank with just a RARDEN works.

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Were there no base model Su-27s upgraded to use R-77?

No pre-modernisation ones could use them. Only the Su-27SM onwards has the necessary radar.


Which AAM-4 are we getting? Devblog didn’t specify

The AAM-4B has an AESA seeker, so we won’t be getting that.


definitely not AAM4B’s lol those are from like 2010

Well the devblog already teases 2 new aircraft.


Su-27SM and F-15C.

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Are you sure that’s an F-15C?

It could be the F-15A but with the AN/APG-63 PSP

It will be a new F-15 anyway

I mean they could just change the F-15A’s radar to the PSP but i definitely hope that’s a C.

i think it’s a C due to the notch above the nose

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Interesting. What makes you see it’s a C? Because the A can’t fire AMRAAMS?

Well the F-15 in the devblog has visual differences that none of the F-15s in game have. So it’s likely.

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