Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

tf u talking about

The F-15 in the dev blog has something on it’s nose that none of the F-15s in game have.

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look at the radar, there’s a little notch just above it only present on F-15C


I don’t know how to put what I said into any plainer English… Besides, @Shay answered my question.

Very attentive to detail. Thanks for sharing!


Guess I won’t be able to use them on it then since no way I’m grinding out another F-15 when I have BeNeLux to keep me busy.


Well, we don’t know how much of Benelux is coming yet

a premium NF-5A and I’ll grind out ther rest of France.
a TT or GE Fokker G1 and I’m not even sure I need the rest of any content for the time being.

How is everyone’s day, just got my account back from a hold? Did anything happen when I was gone.

Also I saw a matawg post of a ss of smin

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BeNeLux coming this patch.
First dev (ARH) just dropped.
Expecting another dev today with pre-order MiG-21 carrying R-77 with an Indian flag for GB.


Then add amraam to the f20

Hey my guess was right about the first devblog gonna be about fox3.

And i guessed right about them showing only US and RU plane in a teaser: they only showed cool US and RU planes pictures on the devblog :p


Man, and I thought the first one was going to be a bote.

They stopped doing that for a while now

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Also seems like US and RU got new planes for fox3 ? Dunno why they needed that.

Money is why.


As usual.


pretty suprised we didnt get the pre-order dev blog first. i highly assume it would be later today

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because it’s not hard to guess?
They need keep others secret

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Well… the Su-27 and F-15C can be spread across 5 nations.
So technically you could say 5 nations have their jets shown off.

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