Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Counterpart, not equivalent.

The first Eurofighter was delivered in 2003, the first F/A-18c in 1990. This is not a counterpart.


Well you cannot counter something if you dont have equal or similiar advantages.

The only real advantage F-18 will have be the amount of missiles it can carry but that will cost heavily in return.

A counterpart is not something that is able to effectively counter something, it is something that has the same role and function.

On paper it basically has same role and fuction, on practise tho its quite different.

Rather then counterpart its more likely to be predator vs prey situation but i get what you’re trying to say.

eurofighter will probably still take 2 years. We could see the F-18 in maybe half a year if not sooner. they wont be equal in warthunder nor in real life

they both aim to do the same things, bomb, fight and one is just able to land on a big boat. what means they arent counterparts or equals. FYI the Super Hornet is the typhoons equal IMO, the legacy hornets are just meant to slap anything in a general vicinity

Due to America never developing an aircraft that is equivalent to the Typhoon (the F-22 comes close but is still different is a number of ways), you just have to look at what is the closest, and the closest US jet to early/pre-production Typhoons is the F/A-18C.

İ’d say F-15 is more close then F-18 in that regard.

For example late F-15C models will be more suitable against Typhoon or better F-15E without CFT.

Fair enough. There are arguments for both.

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Hello everyone !

What Copium content might be produced today, while we go further insane without a Dovbleg ?

giphy (2)


Gaijin just announced new flight model and addition of AIM-9Ls to the Tiger II 105, which will be Germany’s new end-of-the-line fighter bomber at top tier. More news after the weather!


Well now i’m sure that lack of devblogs is making us insane

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The season has started. Thank you Smin!


Oop, progress has been made. Double today then, given it’s so early?

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YES! YES! YES! And just what i am more hyped for

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Thank god, the Copium ran out

Finally DovBleg Season !

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