Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

And Switzerland has become a German subtree since when exactly?

Finally (tho it’s top tier air so sleep again for me)


Ahh so boring devblog…looks like i will need to wait little bit more.

Can already see the 2 camps of players
1: “It is to OP, please nerf.”
2 “Its broken and it doesnt work at all.”

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The first medium-range missiles with ARH seekers will be the French MICA, Chinese PL-12, American AIM-120, Russian R-77, Japanese AAM-4, Israeli Derby and South African R-Darter.

They mentioned AAM-4 that leaves only a couple options for Japan :o

F-15J MSIP or F-2, most likely the former.


nEW SU27!!!

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It shows a Su-27 and F-15 shooting fox-3s. Does that mean we are getting more modern variants of these?


Literally boring devblog.
As promised

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6 x R-77, that’s quite a lot


At least it wasnt another pre-order dev blog…tho it will probably be the next one

Considering F-15 can carry 8 Aim-120 its not that big of a deal.

I can already see people screaming that AAM4 is op and why it is the only ARH missile with AESA radar, forgeting that the AESA radar is on AAM4B and not the original version


For me was a great one, the lack of a real confirmation that Fox-3 were coming this update was killing me, “but they said that was coming” yeah but happened before that in the end “wasn’t ready in time” and we got to wait for another update, i’m glad, a second devblog would be welcome, but i’m satisfied as these missiles aren’t only a new weapon, they are the door to new modern jets to come in the future

Early in the day, I assume/hope we getting another blog later on then ^^. DW guys, boat pre-order still possible!

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So…into what camp will you belong?

Haha, possibly, but I’m still on copium that we’re getting the F-2 instead as a subversion of expectations.

Realistically I don’t see why they would since the devblog confirms F-15C for US so I’m sure they’ll copy and paste it for Israel and Japan.

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Great to see the dev blog season begin! The most stacked part of the year in WT is beginning. Very exciting!

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I have 8 of 10 nations at top tier with fox 3 capable aircraft, im having fun in any way

pardon my ignorance as usual, but which Aircrafts will get those ? Everyone on Rank 8 ? or only those nations that have been mentioned ?

Yeah I am on team copium for F2 too.
I just want some domestic japanes CAS

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hello 6x kh 29Ts