Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Devblogs are not real and never have been real, they’re just a collective hallucination ))

Why this week gaijin mod delay early devblog season 3 days ?

Guess you just haven’t got a game with me yet? Must admit I’m not sitting at top tier all the time. But play top tier aircraft a fair amount.


We haven’t “delayed” any blogs. I’m not sure what that’s about.


Eh, just people talking statistical analysis as gospel

Hey @Smin1080p. I saw the spreadsheet with the proposed BR changes for aircrafts with the new BR separation for the game modes. I have to say there are several points I highly disagree with. Is there any place were we can raise our concern ? I did not find a forum thread specifically on it

Gonna go insane


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That’s the society we all live in. Stats —> anything else.

That is the power of AUKUS without the FR.

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I’d offer you an egg in this trying time, but I’ve only got Cadbury cream eggs?

thanks I missed it :)

i hope you to know that even you begin the devs today ,it will still be the latest dev in the past few years

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Alright, so very likely blogs start tomorrow, there’s usually a Friday tease before the season kicks off. If not, we have a lot to look forward to next week.

On a scale of 1-2, how far in the future is the first Devblog?

Ewwwww, that not e(gg)xcellent. : (

Me cry now

Yes !


Yeah, they are going to do the cliffhanger thing again xD


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