Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Did they show off the different BRs between ground and air or something?

I found it

in game. It’s sometimes annoying to get a lock, but once you fire with a lock on the exhaust (it still jumps around quite a lot), it will keep it and go straight for it even from 2+ km away


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Good to know. Shame Britain doesnt have either. (except on the Jag IS which kinda sucks)

I always look under Dovblegs and never news :p

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well, you’ll have to wait for more modern IR missiles. Also, it’s still annoying to lock ka50s. Their MAWS just completely mess with a magic 2 even as close as 500m away

Yeah. Only encounter Im actually worried about is if the Sea harrier FA2 and Su-39 ever meet in SB.

No guns is gunna make that an annoying encounter to deal with. Unless AMRAAM are actually decent in that situation. Because Aim-9Ms would be useless and I doubt we are getting ASRAAM anytime soon

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Wow this spreadsheet just ruined my night. Jaguar A AND SuE at 10.7 ? Losing the 2 CAS options France has at their 9.7-10.0 lineups ? When they don’t have any ground forces from 10.0 (a premium and SAM) up to 11.7 ? that’s stupid…
Once again, Gaijing killing lineups.
Also, where are all the SU25s ?

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Yeah, Britain would officially loose all our Fixed wing CAS for 10.3 Jaguar GR1A and Buc S2B are going to 10.7 and we have nothing between 10.3 and 11.3 in our ground tree. Basically they become useless.

Our only hope is:

Which may suggests that a lot of tanks are moving about at BR9+. If Britains 10.3 line-up becomes 10.7 and stuff above it moves up as well. Then actually these aircraft changes are very good. If not. They are horrific

Are you suggesting br decompression ?
stop the copium doses my friend. Nothing good will come out of it. this spreadsheet adresses non issues and does not address big issues. For **** sakes

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Its the ONLY way that Br split makes any sense to me. I know gaijin does crazy stuff, but they arent THAT crazy

Bruh yeah they are

Gaijin and “make sense” do not belong in the same sentence…

Your right, maybe they are… Anyway, that is my hope at least. We’ll have to wait and see

I think gaijin made mistakes, these attackers with LGB should raise br, no SPAA can reach them now, but I don’t think they can rise so high.
And more importantly, they forget air-to-air ability, the fighters, like F-4, F-16, should not be in such low br in GRB, attacker’s day is hard enough facing more advanced SPAA, now, top fighters are hunting them, too.
They forget ARB too, though some attackers like are Jaguar, SU-25 balanced in ARB, but for others like A-7, SU-25SM3, they totally forget.

it is on the road map though

yeah, the roadmaps… Care to remind me where is the top tier reward for other nations ?
I don’t think I’ll ever trust gaijin’s promises. They always find a way to kick us from the back just to make things more painful. We have been a bit to nice with them recently (aside from the MANPADS and Abrams fiasco, which is still not correctly addressed, especially for the Manpads : MANPADS Missiles and Overload: The Technical Details - #1123 by TheMightyAltroll) and they are starting to feel a bit to confident.
I won’t trust anything that I can’t see when it comes to their promises


well you don’t have to play the game

wow, what a take “you don’t like how the devs handle their game and community, thus you should not play it”. This game has a huge potential. Lot’s of wasted potential, but potential nonetheless. I don’t have top agree with the devs decisions to play it.
If that’s really how you think, and if you don’t like my takes, well, you can just ignore me.


MANPADS now are quite fine, at least they reach some balance, even if it get changed in G load, then it comes the br change, then players start complain about gaps in SPAA line.