Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

It better be bug free or else I’ll have to throw some salt on the snail

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It’s easier to say to just be positive and play the game, when as I said, France had years of no meaningful additions.
France was the tech tree that was added, then the player base had to watch as Gaijin at least made the attempt for every other tech tree to get an addition that filled gaps.

The only comparable player bases are Israel and maybe Italy. Japan should know they aren’t getting many domestic vehicles, which is why they’re likely getting Thailand.

new road map post


I’ll throw some chlorine gas in the mix if that’s ok

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ooh nice, thought that would drop sooner rather than later

when did that happen?

Since day 1

They remembered naval!


Big buff for Germany

and Britain has lost ALL of its 10.3 CAS


Uh, I’ve been waiting this roadmap for a long time. finally !

amx got decked lol. Germany’s getting cas finally for 10.3. a10’s got nerfed which makes sense. su25sm3 going to 12.7 makes sense as those kh38 are broken rn.

Oh, only for top tier to start.

sad prop Bomber nosies.

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I hope we still see separate chaff/flares this patch.


I think we will. The CM post thingie a couple days ago didn’t mention it would be delayed but did mention some other stuff specifically getting delayed.


I think they said it was “being worked” on and “should” be ready


notice how none of the 10.0 SU-25s are going up wheeee


I didnt… But yeah thats BS

Only changes for France are worst BR for ground BR :(

No buff at all, as usual.

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