Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

They’ve just raised the BR of the Buc S2B from 10.3 to 11.3 essentially. I think the Su-25s can survive going up 0.3 BRs

not ideal but at least the su 22 went down, now we can use it on the 10.3 line up

The Bucc S.2B is just better in the CAS role tho, losing the 10.3 CAS planes sucks but at the same time it’s not too surprising



wait is their proposed br changes? can someone send it?

They are moving the Gr1A and Buc S2B to 10.7 in GRB. Which means you’d never run them because that meant uptiering our entire 10.3 lineup to 10.7

bruh why


go to the road map post i posted a bit ago. people need to learn to just scroll up a bit

A real shame that the Sea Harriers didnt see any BR dropping, they are now going to be on par/higher in BR then tornados, mig 21s/23s, on par with phantoms in GRB.

Very odd given they only carry rockets and dumb bombs for ground attack.

Was really expecting to see those lower down now.

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Aye, but they’re somewhat tanky and the rockets are good, I was kinda hoping they’d go up to 10.3 so I didn’t have to see them in my 9.3 Japanese line up as often (for those that don’t know, the amount of players at max br for a match is capped at 4 in GRB, by putting the SU25s up to 10.3 would mean a max of 4 SU-25s for the match, and greatly reduce the amount up at once), It wouldn’t even change RU’s godly 10.3 line up too much as the Strella, 292, Moderna and T-80B are already 10.3

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CAS players taking a decent sized L this patch lol
Hope this BR separation applies to naval so that BRs can be increased.

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so they ruined britains 10.3 line up and all of our jets that got dropped in br sit at 11.0 now which changes nothing because we dont have an 11.0

specially the a4e

The UK Phantoms are at 10.7 now, no?

I think the Jaguar Gr1A should drop back to 10.3 it has what 2 laser guided bombs, a small amount of counter measures and only rear aspect AAMs, not to mention it just wont get used now


Yeah… if the SHARs dropped to 10.0/10.3 then at least they can replace on those BRs but oh well…

again no 10.7 line up, we go from 10.3 to 11.3 so it means up bring tanks that already struggle against 11.3 just to bring cas or a meh fighter

ngl one of the worst choices they could make since 10.3 was like the last really good br britain had after they removed 6.7 and 8.3