Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I would like 1 f4f ice plz.

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I’d love a HESH buff this coming major tbh, it’s in a such a sorry state rn

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Can you try me?

Man I just want to be able to switch rounds without firing my cannon

I hope we see a devblog this week, is taking soo long

Still waiting we gets Korea map again.

Isn’t it weird that Sabres and MiGs can’t get good old Korea map?


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Let’s not be so negative. We’ll see what Gaijin does but if you take a look at top tier air rb, they’ve made some effort the past few months to get comparable top tiers jets for every nation to resolve balancing issues. Hopefully it will carry over to naval.

France could also still benefit from a Normandie class battleship.

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You forgot the “I couldn’t care less” possibility.

Add the “pre order premium” option


Im hoping for a good Falklands map at some point. Its a shame we never got one with the FRS1, but maybe with the FA2

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Sea Harrier FA.2 would be 12.3 BR minimum (Air AB, Air RB & Air SB). but max BR to 12.7 if got 4x ASRAAM ?

I don’t mind gaijin omitted Rb74(M) & HMS from JAS39 Gripen A in next major update. but no extra countermeasures like JAS39 Gripen C ?

That mean JAS39 Gripen A might be 4th gen fighter aircraft with active radar homing MRAAM battle rating lower another 4th gen fighter with active radar homing MRAAM ?

In fact JAS39 Gripen A unlike another fighter aircraft 12.3 ~ 12.7 because never access 4th gen IR AAM

For most of us, being negative has become a chronic problem because of Gaijins neglect for years. We should have had the Dunkerque or Normandie at the end of French naval CBT.

We’re also assuming the worst with BeNeLux, but just have to go along with it because it’s Gaijin.


Yeah, because tralfargar is like one of the most common place names in Britain.

12 or 12.3 depending on Compression and actual performance of AMRAAM. Kinda leaning towards starting at 12 and then moving to 12.3 if needed.

ASRAAM are kinda insane. I could see it being more like 13.0 at least with that loadout. But I dont think it will. Even in the future

This was a Hypothetical configuration the Gripen A could have been given so that it could have been added December 2022 alongside the F-16/Mig-29 or added sometime earlier in 2023. Instead right at the end of 2023 alongside the Gripen Cs.

Im doubting any nerfs for the Gripen A, other than them not getting AMRAAM.

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I was also thinking Operation Catapult

I have mixed opinions on that. If the leaklist is right, Britain is about to get ANOTHER kinda useless, WW1 Dreadnaught filler after literally just getting one. I wouldnt mind if we werent desperately in need of some other things.

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Wb me?

Well, uh

Yeah… maybe not the Royal Navy’s Finest moment.

woke up no dev blog this is so sad

well anyway what did I miss?