Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

we could get a the DA series in September along with things like the F15C

With how Gaijin has kept on saying the Eruofight is “too strong” I doubt it.

Tho as much as I want the F-18 I’m going to have to join the others in the F-15C is this update.

Meaning F-18A is September. and F-18C is December with the Eurofighter and whatnot.

tbh I can see gaijin waiting to add the DA series well after it would define the meta

Wait until you learn what the rest of the US inventory is made of.

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Gunna need to get my popcorn ready for the

“nerf the Typhoon, too OP, I cant beat it in my F-16A” posts


real lol “its not fair it gets 11 missiles” meanwhile the Su27 with 10 missiles

actual argument I have seen btw


Whether it could even take 12 missiles is a bit of a debate at the moment, might only be 10, with “12 in theory”. But yeah, With stuff like teh F-18C firing off like 14 missiles I think. 10 or 12 is gunna be the average

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What are people thinking the chances are for a dev blog tomorrow?
It’s a holiday here in Canada, Victoria Day (Monday 20th), but tuesdays are usually the common times when they start if im correct.

Tranche 1 is an 8 missile carrier if I remember correctly.
I know Tranche 3 got an improvement.

I don’t expect Typhoon to ever see F-16As that aren’t AMRAAM slingers @Morvran , aka specific MLUs Gaijin gives AMRAAMs as to keep specific BRs filled.

Tuesdays are pretty good I think

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If the F-14D is given AIM-9Ms and AIM-120s, it will very likely be 13.0.

All Typhoons can carry the same number of missiles as far as I am aware. 6x SRAAM and 4x BVRAAM is should definetly be possible. The question is whether it can carry 2 additional BVRAAM on top of that. Id expect DA2 to have at a minimum 10 missiles. With F2s and onwards (full Tranche 1+) having maybe 12.

So Typhoon vs F-16A fights may very well occur. We have no idea if ARH will change the meta, and IR knife-fights may remain the norm. But still, US mains will complain about Typhoon overperforming

At this point, US mains will constantly be complaining from this point on because of the worse IR missiles, despite performing very well in other ways.

This is true, however the introduction of new game mechanics and features can mitigate the C&P effects. I mean, adding unique features to already known vehicles can make them tolerable and even desirable.
In airplanes this already exists in some way. On the other hand, in the tanks we urgently need improvements.
Things like APU, automatic target tracking, thermal cameras for drivers (even in third person for those tanks with high situational awareness), customization of tank appliqués and modules (such as side skirts).
Currently, for example, a tank with skirts and one without skirts raise the same dust, it would be interesting to see curtains of dust in the distance for tanks without skirts. Also improvements in the LWS, for example the new premium Merkava Mk.3, when it detects a threat it should rotate the turret in that direction and it does not. We should at least be able to configure a key so that when it detects a threat we choose to direct the turret automatically or not (for example, when someone helps you repair, a key automatically appears to thank you, and in the same way raam segol should work, in case that one wishes to benefit from that advantage).
Also, new mechanics for the IFV’s, such as replenishing crew members to allies in the middle of combat, for example. Or new weapons like Lahat, with unique functions.

Currently all gunner and commander sights look the same, when in reality it is not so linear. This and many other things end up taking away a lot of immersion and it doesn’t require much effort to apply them. You have to work more on the ground… The only differences between old and modern tanks are basically the stabilizer, the thermals and the apdsfs. Everything else feels the same.

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Yeah. Aim-9X and R-73M? (I cant recall the soviet equivalent) are gunna be the bottom of the barrel in terms of IR AAMs.

Yugoslavia wouldn’t have much. It’d have a handful at the lower and mid tiers, however not enough to be considered a major amount.


Yep, this is all true. A lot they can do to keep them somewhat unique

The R-74M/M2 are the Russia equivalents.

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I have no idea how they’d compare. All the debates and discussion I see is ASRAAM vs IRIS-T vs MICA IR.


Aim-9X, R-74s and Python-5 are never mentioned which I think is kinda funny

Im also waiting for the “Spanish Typhoons to the US TT” posts. They’ll be funny as well

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The MICA-IR (NG) and ASRAAM will be the kings at range, with the IRIS-T and Python-5 being so for WVR encounters, as far as I know.