Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Spain could also get the F/A-18C so thatd be another good option to add for Italy and obviously the CF-18


Yea F/A-18 and the Su-30 can tackle 8 nations all at once


Spain has some indigenous designs as well, I particularly like the Pegaso BMR


Prototype with 20mm


The CF-188 is a F-18A

Tho the first AMRAAM capable point is the CF-188 IMP, the first domestic major upgrade program.

But the chance for CF-188 in the UK tree has long passed and won’t happen(especially due to other things being added this update).
as Gaijin has shown that it thinks Canada isn’t a commonwealth nation or a nation that makes sense for the UK.

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Fair enough didnt know that never looking into it just knew of its existence

I REALLY hope they don’t implement Rank 9 anytime soon.

That would turn all current Rank 7 Talismans and Premiums useless to grind for them…

At this point, they should save Rank 9 exclusively for 5th gen fighters in air, and for future tech tanks coming in the next years.

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did you miss when we were talking about that lmao? also we can just get the 2A6M its better and germany has their own version in the 2A6A3 so we dont even need to argue over it


I doubt it, it would make sweden an already to strong nation even stronger lol

yeah i will always argue that a legacy F18 with Aim-9Ls and AIM-7Ms would have been far better and probably more balanced then a Gripen

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Yeah but after we get the 39C we’ve hit a wall like theres nothing else to add at all

Yea Britain could of gotten the basic variants while Germany got the upgraded ones best of both worlds there.

and? its still the best plane it in the game, and is AMRAAM capable with good CAS options you guys will probably have to wait till the Gripen E

I don’t see the UK getting any of the Canadian Leos.

ehhhh the reason people wanted the 2A4M was to complement their top tier, we dont really need more things at 10.3 its already stacked, challenger 1 mk2 and mk3, vickers mk7, T-90 Bishma, TTD, Stormer HVM, Jaguar Gr1A and the Buc S2B

And AMRAAM F-18s aren’t coming until Typhoon, Rafale, F-15C MSIP, etc anyway.

An F-18A with only 9Ls is 12.0.

@SPANISH_AVENGER @pyroraptor841
Rank 9 is likely F-35, just gonna be honest.
F-14D isn’t even 13.0 capable.

I think your over estimating an F18A, also 12.0 is still better then 12.7 lol

I was thinking Rank 9 might be the cutoff for effective ARHs

Meteors etc sure, but that exists to face stealth aircraft and be even more powerful against non-stealth aircraft.

AMRAAMs are coming in the next update.

We are getting if we aren’t getting the F/A-18A+ this update it’s September and that can use AMRAAMs.

The Eurofighter is December at the earliest from what Gaijin has said.

I Think Rank 9 for Gen4+ and Gen4++ jets and tier 10 just to finish the line, there is a lot of Gen 4 that when modernized become much more capable platforms

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