Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Yeah, lots have commented on it in teh other thread. Its just a mock-up and nothing should be inferred from it

It says “mock-up” literally right across the image.

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yeah we were thinking about that earlier

Ah gotcha

If Iberia gets introduced its going there, perhaps as a GE this time, and before that, it will probably return for sale(again as GE) on Spanish national holidays.


Indeed. Most trees won’t be just for their vehicles but for their vehicle combos/the nations themselves.

As there won’t be any 100% domestic nation. And there never was, even the USA uses vehicles from other nations.

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they already confirmed that is to just show of the bonus of researching other nations nothing else

I do wonder what every nation could get as a counter to the pansir, im not big on other trees but I at least know america has the SL-AMRAAM and the UK could get the Land Ceptor or the SL-ASRAAM but for other nations im not sure

italy should have vehicles from axis nations like romania, croatia, bulgaria, that would make the italian tree even better, i know hungary is now in the italian tree but they can always add more content other axis nation
Romania produced planes during WW2 and tanks and plane during the Cold War (IAR-93), and also helicopters
Croatia had a vehicle like M15/42 with a pz 38T turret during WW2 and then had Yugoslav vehicles like the M-84 and its variants
Bulgaria would just have a few vehicles which could be premium like the BMP-23
well there is also Spain which would be great in the Italian tree like the leopard 2E

Yea, I’m coping a little bit cause I really hope to see a Legacy hornet next update lol.


That points to Rank 9 (Aircraft are always upwards aligned), but let’s be honest we’re not getting the F-14D/F-18, F-22, and F-15C all in the same update. Its 100% just a mockup/placeholder

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It doesn’t point to Rank IX. It points to the bonus.

Discussed to death in the original thread too.

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oh that’s how they’re doing the end of line bonus? ew but whatever

So I know this is a banned topic now but I just learnt that the Canadian Leo 2a4 can come in two variants.

The basic 2A4 and the upgraded 2A4M, so tech Britain can still get a Leo :P


I was hoping for that one in especial, partly because it would maintain the “one Tomcat every summer” streak. (F-14B last year, F-14A the year before that)

Also because it’s the pinnacle of my favorite fighter of all time. Even then I have to be realistic, it’s a 1970s aircraft with early 2000s modernization. It wouldn’t be competitive with the new stuff we’ll probably be seeing next year.

I just want my F/A-18C man

(Copium but maybe Finnish F-18C too??)


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We still need the F/A-18A(or F/A-18A+) first.

Itd be imo the best aircraft to bring in with Amraams and itd be a perfect counter to the Su-27s 10 missle loadout seeing as its the same

We’ve seen a few in the files over the years:

The SB2M-M100a(ESP) was the first specifically Spanish vehicle added to the files

There was later a Model 281(ESP) in the files, but it has been removed:

And the Tigre HAD(ESP) was added when the helitree for France was, but in the end they added the HAD Blk.2(FRA) w/ Spain 's Spike loadouts instead

There 's a faked screenshot of a teaser trailer featuring Hornet going around on discord; don’t get taken advantage of.