Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I’d say rule out the Brits for a Spanish Harrier. AV-8B is noticeably different to the British Harrier II (GR.5/7/9) in terms of weapons and avionics iirc.

It’d make sense to go to Italy, and given the Spanish Centauro existed, it’d certainly make sense.

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Apart from anything else, VRCC and well trying to keep countries vehicles in the same TT should be the priority?

Yeah, I think

  1. Spanish TT
  2. Italian TT
  3. UK TT
  4. US TT

In order of where it should go


i mean, going back to what spanish said

Spain propably be another case of Canada treatment


ehhhh… only objection i’d raise is it being forced into TT, there doesn’t seem to be much point wedging an essentially gameplay wise similar Harrier into a TT needlessly. If and when the time rolls around I can imagine it being a nice premium around 11.7

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eh maybe, gotta wait and see

As long as i can joink the 2e tortuga for germany

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May I bring up that Spain was technically part of the Axis.

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Also you know why I want the Spanish to be in Italy too ? :P



Woops wrong aircraft



Starfighter and Mustang?

Buchon, The Bf 109 G airframe with a Merlin engine.

Messerfire or Spitschmitt?

Well since the Messerspit is a Spitfire with a DB.

We should name it the Fire’o’schmitt.

Not sure if this is the right place for this but, reading the CM post and following up on the discussions recently about more open communication, honestly I want to thank @Smin1080p @magazine2 and the rest of the CM team. These kind of posts are great!

While this may have been planned in advance, I also want to shoutout to @Tristacomand for respectfully engaging in discussion with CM’s like Smin about this matter. It’s very rare to see a grievance being aired properly and also quickly addressed with a win-win situation.


It is a good time, even if a coincidence to some degree.

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I would really like there to be Spanish vehicles in War Thunder, a Chilean sub tree would be great in the Israeli tree

Implementing a Spanish tree would be tricky, since it would have nearly as much copy-paste as China and gaps even then.

An option would be to implement it in a similar fashion as Israel, from Rank V onwards only; that way, only heavily modified/indigenous/local modifications make it to the game, therefore keeping the tree unique enough.

And another interesting option I saw was to implement Portugal along with Spain; effectively making it an Iberian tech tree, kinda like how the Swedish tech tree is a Scandinavian one.

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That would be interesting

Burn that 109 in a fire but give it to me first

I’m not sure if anyone has sent this but there seems to be an interesting picture on the new status update post. Lines continuing after the F-15, F-14B and F-16C

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To be honest. Few if any new TTs are gunna be free of major “C&P”. I think what new TTs are gunna bring isnt new vehicles, but instead new combination of vehicles. Spain has got an interesting mix and it would probably end up on my list to grind. Maybe even moving ahead of France currently


Sub-TT for Britain because of Gibraltar
