Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Im quite happy with my Tornado F-3 at 11.3 so if they decides to add Fox-3 capabilites then it should be another model rather then just a module.

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Of course a friday with cliffhanger xD

Wonder if we’ll ever get a second F-16A for nations that have it.
What I mean is for example
F-16A MLU Early: AIM-9L+AIM-7
F-16A MLU Late: AIM-9M(X someday)+AIM-120 (and HMS depending on user)

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Yeah, they will do same thing as they did to Viggens. Both Viggens used aim-9L and had extra bol pods, but Gaijin decided to give them to only JA37D version…such a BS…cant wait to grind a whole new Gripen and play against all those players that didnt need to reasearch a whole new jest.

Ohh wait, i forgot. I dont play top tier air thanks to how poopy it is

The su27 currently in game cannot use r-77.I wonder what kind of new su27 we will gat.

Credit to @ID_Heaven



In war thunder its purpose was to make you grind 400k for a mid vehicle that is a glorfied missile bus. So pretty average for the swedish air tree since theyll get maybe two new top tier air vehicles going forward for like 3-4 years. Sorry one after this patch.


Welp, im gonna suffer for better Gripen.

Time to go Berserker mode.

There’s still some hope in me that they won’t just more or less copy+paste the SU-27/J-11 and F-15 and add a new version which carries these Fox-3s.

With the PL-12 and AAM-4 it would be incredibly nice to see a J-10 and F-2

The reason they do that also is to make the air tree bigger because if they didnt then sweden would basically not gotten a new fighter for 2 years after the C was added. Still loved that gaijin thought adding the A with no countermeasures would be dope for an 11.0 aircraft.

Yeah, only time that i will ever unlock a new top tier air is i either slowly grind it with some lower tier plane, or i become a filthy rich that i will think that 10K euro is just a spare change to me

Well im gonna use my beloved J35XS so i dont think it will be too much painful tho Spading Gripen C against Fox-3 missiles will surely be.

Just give me more Drakens that were modifed. Hell like the Dutch Draken that not only have a RWR, it was able to carry a bombs and had a bomb computer…so please give me that insted of shitty Viggen

Im placing a bet that when the f18 gets here finland wont get it on the first patch depsite getting an A model and upgrading them so potential to get upwards of 3 models. So get ready to use the C while fighting f18 E lols.

when will the new premuim release

tonight or tomorrow

That would require gaijin adding another tt draken. Why do that when you can sell another draken for money

Id love to see a usable rank 6 swedish jet since that is an actual black hole if you arent the best player. Ive been avoiding it because the lack of countermeasures and constant 10.0 matches makes me want to eat glass shards

To this day, i still have no idea how did i manage to gridn to Swedish air to Gipen without useing any high tier premium plane

Congrats i have almost every swedish jet spaded. Ended up buying the j35a when it came out because i wanted something to allow me to play my rank 6 money sink line. Like 30k per vehicle back then or so. The j35a was just a money grinder, my real rp grinder became the aj37. I had a few broken fingers so playing on controller with one hand was a bit rough. I should go back and get a positive KD on that thing but i cant be bothered lol.