FOX-3: Active Radar Homing Missiles

yeah no

I could maybe see your point if gaijin acrtually made us use the entire map, but god no,

personally not a fan of trying to scan for 5 aircraft firing missiles at me while dogfighting another

when i play air RB im acutally happy when i get an EC map, teams hella more spread out


tbh i dont see the point in playing such a non match defining jet.
the Radars are acting up these days, this thing only has 2 ERs and you cant do the rlly satisfying long range shots anymore with any consistency…
and ofc the missile spam and 16v16 cancer…

i rlly hope it gets the Aim-9Li or the Aim-9Li-1

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Rafale,Eurofighter Typhoon and FA-18 Hornet is coming :)

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Yes, but no helmet mounted sight, and poor flight performance. These are not like AIM-9Ms on an F-16.

Silent Su-27SM announce. Look at IRST.


F-18A maybe, the F/A-18F, Typhoon and Rafale are comign later this year at the earliest, probabally december patch if i had to guess

Hopefully my SU39 gets the R77 or anything else it should have so i can use it sometimes. Mostly i get Kills with this thing are Gun Kills

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@Stona_WT Will AAM-4 get it’s unique stealth on RWR feature?
And what about the second most important question about FOX-3 implementation - team sizes?
One of the next devblogs will be about it specifically or…?


That’s all for today?

bud i think the r77s were enough of a hint


i believe team sizes were halved after some feedback on dev, down to 6v6, or 8v8

idk, i didnt play, the game was too laggy

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What? The meta loadout of the 29G is 6x R-73s. I never once used radar missiles on the 29G and never will when the IR missiles matter more.

Mirage 4000 has no HMD yet is the 2nd best jet in the game.
And its drag was increased shortly after release.

I doubt AAM-4 has what you allege.

I think the F-15C is pretty likely for this update. Seeing as the F-15 in the picture of the devblog is visually slightly different from every other F-15 currently in game.

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nah its the f15a

Nope slightly different visual model.

Most of the new jets will be copy-pastes of previous ones but with TWS and ARH, come on it was obvious long before this blog


how so? I cannot see any major differences

I would rate the F-16C above the Mirage 4000, but in any case, it blows the F-4F out of the water flight performance wise.

Which is why you avoid dogfights, and instead boom & zoom if you get WVR.
Pretty much what Mig-29SMT pilots have been needing to do, but the F-4F ICE gets 2 more missiles.