Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Eh, just people talking statistical analysis as gospel

Hey @Smin1080p. I saw the spreadsheet with the proposed BR changes for aircrafts with the new BR separation for the game modes. I have to say there are several points I highly disagree with. Is there any place were we can raise our concern ? I did not find a forum thread specifically on it

Gonna go insane


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That’s the society we all live in. Stats —> anything else.

That is the power of AUKUS without the FR.

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I’d offer you an egg in this trying time, but I’ve only got Cadbury cream eggs?

thanks I missed it :)

i hope you to know that even you begin the devs today ,it will still be the latest dev in the past few years

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Alright, so very likely blogs start tomorrow, there’s usually a Friday tease before the season kicks off. If not, we have a lot to look forward to next week.

On a scale of 1-2, how far in the future is the first Devblog?

Ewwwww, that not e(gg)xcellent. : (

Me cry now

Yes !


Yeah, they are going to do the cliffhanger thing again xD


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Please leave any feedback within the roadmap forum topic.


Previous years don’t decide when the next dev blog season starts. We go through this basically every major update with people basing all their predictions overly too much on spreadsheets and previous years dates. Both are meaningless and not what we operate by.


Friday, introducing…

The first ever pre-devblog devblog season teaser!!!

Just a blog post that says “Soon.” and then we wait 2 weeks for the first devblog.