Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Bruh yeah they are

Gaijin and “make sense” do not belong in the same sentence…

Your right, maybe they are… Anyway, that is my hope at least. We’ll have to wait and see

I think gaijin made mistakes, these attackers with LGB should raise br, no SPAA can reach them now, but I don’t think they can rise so high.
And more importantly, they forget air-to-air ability, the fighters, like F-4, F-16, should not be in such low br in GRB, attacker’s day is hard enough facing more advanced SPAA, now, top fighters are hunting them, too.
They forget ARB too, though some attackers like are Jaguar, SU-25 balanced in ARB, but for others like A-7, SU-25SM3, they totally forget.

it is on the road map though

yeah, the roadmaps… Care to remind me where is the top tier reward for other nations ?
I don’t think I’ll ever trust gaijin’s promises. They always find a way to kick us from the back just to make things more painful. We have been a bit to nice with them recently (aside from the MANPADS and Abrams fiasco, which is still not correctly addressed, especially for the Manpads : MANPADS Missiles and Overload: The Technical Details - #1123 by TheMightyAltroll) and they are starting to feel a bit to confident.
I won’t trust anything that I can’t see when it comes to their promises


well you don’t have to play the game

wow, what a take “you don’t like how the devs handle their game and community, thus you should not play it”. This game has a huge potential. Lot’s of wasted potential, but potential nonetheless. I don’t have top agree with the devs decisions to play it.
If that’s really how you think, and if you don’t like my takes, well, you can just ignore me.


MANPADS now are quite fine, at least they reach some balance, even if it get changed in G load, then it comes the br change, then players start complain about gaps in SPAA line.

Eh… Id somewhat disagree. Something is not quite right with most western MANPADs, they miss WAAAAY too easily.

Have you tried the Mistral ? It’s still completely miserable. For the most advanced MANPAD in game, it’s pretty sad to see it miss straight flying subsonic aircrafts at 3km.
while the G loads are Mistral > Stinger > Igla, due to the speed difference, the turn radius are actually Igla > Stinger > Mistral, meaning the Igla still outperforms the much more modern Stinger and Mistral.
The higher speed of the Mistral does not even matter, since its booster burn is pretty slow and the speed loss of the Mistral is so slow it’s effective range is actually worse than the Igla.
For reference, the Mistral 1 on the Santal should be close to the TY90/Strela performances, and the Tiger carrying the Mistral 2 should be even better

Edit : I did not mention that while the Mistral G load was increased, either the PID or the fin AOA were not improved consecally hence the missile still does not perform its 16G reliably. Even more so because it only start guiding a few hundred meters after launch (so when the burn is already a close to finishing) and will quickly lose it’s ability to turn at 16G after the booster burn, which once again is very short, due to the poor low speed G load


their G limit, makes them work batter from behind or side than front, the key of manpads spaa is stealth attack when attackers is getting away. Stinger is the best manpad after some mobility changes, much better than HN-6, Mistral and 9K38.

Wich is funny when you know it should be 25G.

Or even 30G for late/modern variants.

Mistral 1: 6km, 25G

Mistral 2: 6.5km, 32G (higher speed)

Mistral 3: 8km, 30G, IIR seeker (new motor however increased weight which reduced manueverability)

War Thunder : There is one Mistral and it’s 16G.


I feel like igla is worse, it has the ability of change direction and track the target after launch, like a instant TVC, but then, it’s a 10g stick.

But hitting something side -aspect. So for example firing a ATAS from a Lynx at an attacker flying accross the battlefield perpendicular to you is basically impossible to actually hit. But the Strela can nail such a target with absolute ease every single time. Even though the Heli launched ATAS should have the advantage in that envrioment.

I think they are still lacking Gs.

we have 2 primary sources that state Stinger should pull 20-22Gs. Now it doesn’t state average or peak, but in game they only pull 13G. I think if they pulled 20-22G out of the gate and then trailed off to 13G, theyd hit more often as they would get onto target easier. (though flame made a very good argument that that data should be taken as average not peak)

Additionally ATAS lofts wierdly and just doesnt seem to get the intercept right.

(they also can take an age to spool up, though all AAMs had a univsersal spool up time, for ATAS its like 3 or 4 seconds)

All in all. Something isnt quite right and Stingers and Mistrals need a buff or tweak still

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This post shows the different turn radius of Mistral, Igla and Stinger with nerf and with real values.
As you can see, the Igla has better turn radius than current Stinger and Mistral, but would be obliterated by accurate Mistrals and even more so the stinger

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that’s why strela is much higher br, and I think Strela, Chaparral and Type 81c are different kind spaa from MANPADS. IRL, they are not carried by man, IN GAME, they belongs to much higher br.

MANPADS’s booster is not very powerful, but last long, so it needs time to speed up, that’s another key, don’t shoot something too close

The Mistral is hardly a MANPAD. It uses the same guidance system, but it is not manportable, as it’s quite bigger.
As for the minimum engagement range, primary sources state that the mistral should be able to accurately hit a target 500m away, which is absolutely impossible currently has the mistral acts as a dumb rocket for at least that distance before finally starting to turn.
Meanwhile the Igla being slower can turn tighter, plus has the magical ability to autolead straight from launch meaning it can absolutely kill an aircraft from that distance


that’s quite strange, maybe I should update my memory, I got my igla memory from helis, and only played HN-6 in recent days.

yes, it work much better than other in close distance because of this

I don’t play the Igla and Stinger, but as a player that often fights against them, I can confidently state that the igla is more annoying to evade.
The stinger is still pretty dangerous because it’s faster and can actually hit targets (which the mistral can’t do for the above mentioned reasons), so you really have to lookout for them, but as long as you do some S turn maneuvers your good to go.
Meanwhile, the Igla is pretty painful to kinematically evade with subsonic aircraft’s without losing all your speed, but are easier to spot due to their lower speed and the fact that they burn through their entire kinematic range