Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

the add on armour is but thats the same with almost every nato tank

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Same goes for unique Ki-74

But we all know Gaijin hates true bombers with passion


It also has thicker hull armor (even visibly), new armor composition (weighs 66 tons) and even a VERY thick mantlet armor!

ehh i am confused whay did you reply that to me

which the current armour isn’'t even modelled right

They are working on it.

And even then, it’s a completely different matter. We got pictures where the mantlet shield already is clearly visibly thicker!

Gajin cant get the old composite armour right how are they gonna do the new one

They said that the changes they will make might not even make it better

Oh, I’m sorry. Wrong post I wanted to reply too.

I don’t care where Swiss goes as long as I get my C-35, C-36, D.3803 and P-16

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Bruh, they c&p wrong model of Italian 1A5 (which should have a hull from 1A2 built in Italy under license, should have a different form of a grill at least) from WT and WW2 guy siting in M113A1 TOW.

I don’t see how Gaijin could add this with top tier as it is now. You will get a lot of crying players who get bonked by some fnf missile they probably didn’t even get a warning about. 1 or 2 death leavers about to get even worse.

APS would really need to come into it’s own at that point for basically at least one of every nation’s top tier tank.

I guess it’s up to the T-80UM1, or more likely the Object 195/T-95 with Afghanit or the precursor for APS?

do like the idea of more nations getting APS

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I’d guess it would be an absolute end-game addition, if it came at all. but yeah, more APS is the way the game will probably go

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of the top my head their is a leo 2 A7 with an APS
SepV3 with APS
Challenger 3 with APS

No player icons on enemy CAS means when I’m in CAS, I get RWR for an F-16, and 2/3rds of the time, check my 6, think I’m clear, and then get bonked by an invisible missile aka 9M, lol.

Cv90 mk4 with aps

the CV90120 with APS would be fun

At least WT mobile is not at the age of Air-rietes, so not totally unplayable vehicles

Most countries, right now, have limited APS at best. Drozd and Trophy are more ubiquitous than Iron Fist or what China has (KF-41 is still bugged, is it not?), and that’s all that is in the game. With more top down attack munitions, and deadlier CAS on the horizon (newer vehicles and new dynamic BR’s which I assume will bring dealier CAS to a lower BR) the more important that top tier give everyone a little bit of wiggle room.