Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Yeah it does, but as we dont even have Brimstone 1s yet and I doubt we’ll see them until the end of the year. I dont think we need to worry about Brimstone 3s attached to Boxers or Challenger 2s anytime soon. But yeah I can see more APS systems coming in the future. Maybe even some SPAA better suited for knocking out missiles as well as jets and helis. As a further counter

Yeah i agree

Give it time.
There’s so many devs and 10 tech trees to develop for after all.

I just want some nesws so we can all get along

Preferably a ship as that always bringpeople together if you know what I mean 😂

propably the only thing were 98% of the community agrees on together, yeah

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Mhm fingers crossed we will soon find out next week on what the air reward will be.

Betting an early limited F-16 lol


ehh, true thats gonna happens as well, i am not to intrested in that, more intresting gonna be the potentaily announcement of the new esports tournament, i want some nice free twitch drops

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Hm tbh I’m not interested in that now letting my PC run over night is just isn’t worth it now.

At least the air reward is easier than ground.
If you got the Ju 288 and the British Wyvern

they normaly have replays later at the day where the drops are enabled as well

ah yes… totaly do not have that one, that being said propably gonna try using my A-5C, the china grind gotta continue

The A-5 was pretty good at boom and zooming witha tad side climb then just lob missiles from top down. Idk about it now since the map changes

Whatever it is it’ll be interesting.
I just hope it doesn’t replace what could be put in a tech tree instead.

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i am taking 4 , 750kg bombs, the big rockets and the magics, bombing, try hunting down 2 enemys with magics and then do some more cas runs

What BR does the map size changes ?

no idea, but considering the br is full with a10s and su 25 i propably would say smaller map because of those slow pokes

Mhm that’s a point, my mind thinks it’s 10.0+

so praticaly depends on up or downtiers

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HMS King George V would be perfect, I’d be happy with that next major update :D


Anyway off to the land of dreams got a busy day tomorrow

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Devblogs starting in a week or two? Alongside the air event?


We don’t know.

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