Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I dont know any austrian vehicles in the german tree

No, Sweden is handheld enough.

russia* /s

they should do another qna im curious

USA is handheld as well, but people would assault me for that.


very true

jup, thats why i am insisting on it not being part of the swedish tree, because they will immediatly start demanding it.
As of right now, we simple have no offical source stating it is part of the tree.
Might it change in the future and be included? Propably but of right now its not part of it

easy fix " USA is handheld in air as well" , i doubt anyone would fight that

errrm the f15 is garbage needs to be 12.0 you just a biased german main /j


even if we leave out the F15 it still wouldnt change anything lol, i mean just look at the past year of implementations

No Germany gets hand held more /j

definitly xD, that pesky mig 29g is perfect at 12.7 without any multirole capability less countermeasures and worse radar

Better flight model then the SMT so its so much better /j

its so strong gajin literaly was forced to add it a whole patch later then the SMT or it would have completly over shadowed the SMT /j

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In ground as well.
USA mains like to cry about the fact other big three nation have oppressive and insane CAS, while Germany have a whale as a CAS plane (Although, i do love how the tornado looks ), while Russia is stuck with subpar platform without thermals, while USA have the F16C and F14B, together with some workable helicopters, not talking even about 9M’s, that are undoubtly good in ground rb.
Their SPAA is questionable? Yes. However the rest of the lineup is quite good, they do get decent light vehicles, and their MBT’s are surely better than any Russian Tank in game at the current moment. It took them some outcry and “muh stats” and they got a huge, ahistorical reload buff, effectively stealing Challengers 2 their only advantage.
But ofc if you ask a US main about their vehicle they will say they are all garbage and gimped, while in fact the truth is that the average US main like to play the victim card.


wall of text jumpscare

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its Godlike flight performance and Instakill Radar make it the best plane ever to be build
(or atleast RazerVon will say so)

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kind of, cant really evade if you dont know if a missile is coming right?

only giveaway is ADS on RWR and trying to find it as fast as possible before you get smithed from the sky

yes i know pantsir this pantsir that, except you can see its smoke because of the huge ass booster and C1 on rwr

i think he meaned it more in the way that the spaa has tank destroyer spawn costs

Yes, however it cost a gazzilion of sp unless you spawn it early and the second there is clouds or something it almost completly refuse to lock anything, thats why i said its questionable.

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