Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

im only in favour of stuff like that if we didnt have our own vics that could be in place of that. Ajax can come in 2 variants ingame one with Javelin and one without.

my opinion on that is, why not both. Just like Puma and KF41. Of course the ajax should take priority over the redback. As i see it KF41 or redback, would make good premium lights for both germany and uk respectively

AJAX, AS-21, or even their own tested boxer with the ajax turret

or a bradley with an Ajax gun
or a warrior with an Ajax gun
or a CV90 with an Ajax gun

i want the PUMA S1 more than anything tbh




or Ajax with an Ajax gun

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personal favourite is the rct 120, but one step at a time, as much as i want the puma s1 as well, i think other trees should get some useable lights at all, the puma and vilkas are useable. trees like france ( the premium light is a crime), israel, uk etc should definitly get a light first

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well i already made a RCT-120 suggestion so only hoping for it to get passed to the devs so it gets considered in the future as a new light tank but what i want the most as of rn its the PUMA to be fixed

WT Mobile 's next update is coming in less than two weeks: ( [Coming Soon] Greetings from Italy! - War Thunder Mobile - Online Military Action Game - Play for Free )

More stabilized MBT 's like this are possible, as are helicopter and Gen 2/3 aircraft streaks like the Q-5A in the files.

On the naval side even more might be introduced this update, incl. nuclear submarines, missile cruisers, and the long-awaited aircraft carriers.

What likely won’t be coming this time is the aircraft gamemode. That 's not planned to come earlier than mid-2024.

They went from the ( CM-less ) J35 Draken to the Eurofighter.

The Saab-105ÖE

imo that really depends on if Gaijin plans to supply the SAAF Gripen C w/ imaging-IR AAM 's when they introduce that kind of weapon, and also move it up in BR if they do. If the Tornado F.3(l) and/or Sea Harrier FA.2 are not at a significantly different BR than the Gripen is now when they come, there might be a gap to fill either where it is now when it 's re-armed to fill the " between them and Eurofighter " position, or in that " between " position if the Gripen is left as-is.

They are. All the nordic countries are:

That testbed which has a ~5 round ammunition capacity ? Even if we knew anything concrete abt it 's gun performance it wouldn’t be much of an improvement over the more conventionally-armed models.

Maybe they’re planned to be the stars of one of the smaller major updates at the end of this or next year.

Not quite, it 's development was leaked some time ago but it hasn’t yet appeared in the game files:

( Kiszivárgott repülők listája – 2019 Május – WT Info )



you missinterpreted that, they never said denmark is part of it, they just read what was written there. They said they were surely sth of that kind and speak about the addition of finland now. Additionaly they say other countries would come as event or premiums. But at no point did they say denmark is part of the tree, they could ahve only meaned norwegian

He said they have plans for Scandinavian vehicles

Frankly, the geopolitical points are salient. However, Gaijin doesn’t work that way. So the contradictions should just roll at this point.

Without getting into the weeds, tl:dr, the UK basically abandoned South Africa, after betraying what is now Zimbabwe today, whilst India was one of the three original signatories to the Non-aligned Movement. They have both SA and now Indian vehicles, and will likely get more of both as time goes one.

Swiss and Austrian vehicles (as Shay reminded me) are already present in the German tree, to expect that to stop, when they are effectively servicing the third most popular tree in the game is silly. As bitter of a pill as that may be to swallow for some.

Wait did the reader say Dutch even though they wasn’t part of the question ?

yeah misread

It’s funny how no one spotted that lol

could mean denmark for germany for all we know as well lol, but as of currently there is no official sources saying its part of the tree

well it was a stream they answered that stuff in, guy might only have translated

Nope Denmark is Scandinavian and will be part of the Swedish tree.

Though we yet to see this happen


eh will deny it until it happens.
or do you want sweden to get a 2a7v next update lol?

And thats not me hating on other people getting leopards, its me hating on sweden and its unfair state of the game with being exceptional better then everything else

Given Denmark was part of the question and it was answered I assume Danish vehicles will make it’s way into Sweden

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