Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Sweden, the nation with Finish air/ground sub trees…

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Unfortunate how even the obvious has to be stated at times xd


JAS39A is not superior to all F18 versions lmfao

He still cant believe it

truly a mega mind

kiddos i dont know every nation’s sub tech trees i dont even play sweden

But I can tell you confidently that F18 has no place when newer gripen versions are superior anyway and far more appropriate for the next update

You think devs are gonna focus on old technology when they clearly have only increased the number of newer equipment to all nations?


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Theres no reason to add a legacy hornet, then next update add a better jet (newer gripen) and then add still a newer jet that is Typhoon?

not an argument

make up your mind, gaijin did that all the time in the past :sob:

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so was there no reason for them to add say the F16A when a few patches later they introduced the C or the ADF?

I guess Gaijin never looks back in time… ever

Nah, all they do is powercreep, add top tier premiums, add more mechanics, twerk, eat hot chip and lie /s

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Like they are gonna add F15B next update…its gonna get skipped for the same reasons Super Tomcat got


Theyre gonna add the training variant of the F15A? interesting choice.

Well Israel needed Netz because there was no other F16 appropriate

Why would Finland get the Typhoon? As it’s already been stated, not every vehicle added has to be meta defining. There is nothing wrong with adding inferior vehicles, and by going by this logic there was no point in adding the American and Izraeli F15 since the Japanese is superior to both of them and there was no point in adding the F15J since the Gripen is better than it.

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