Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

They have the air sub tree that means they will get it when the hornets are added

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Why would you skip key Hornet variants in a vehicle collecting game.

Plus Legacy Hornet is the only one I really care about. Specifically the 80s one.


Yeah and they might not even get the f16s so f/a18 is the best choice for now

Germany needs smth AMRAAM capable and has basically no option other than F4 which is garbage generally at any BR. YOU make no sense buddy

Finland is a Sub-tree of Sweeden amd they use Hornets. A sub-tree has a home and it’s been conferred that all tech for that nation added after the sub-tree was added would go to the nation it’s part off.

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you want the fins f/a18 in germany?

choice is between F16 (i made the stupid C mistake again, not a C variant just upgraded F16), indian mirage 2k and the chinese f16 knock off, the chinese one would be funny as well i guess. But either of the 3 works i guess. But not certain about the indian 2k knock off, that one might not actualy be an upgrade

Does MiG29G have the capability to use R77?

For me wish Gaijin to fill out, and fix old caliber first.

Royal Navy and La Royale still lacks both fast battleship and battleship with hydroplane, and if new caliber came out, they will be really out of date even before they came out.

Also 15’’ and American 14’’ needs to be fixed first. All 15’‘, especially British 15’‘, should be more accurate both in historical context, and the fact that her AP is very short fuzed and needs to be concentrated to give enough damage. On the other hand, American 14’’ should spread more considering her long reload means she has to strike widely at one salvo, and also in it’s historical context.

So, Dunkerque class, and AT LEAST KGV class (among many WW2 Royal Navy battleships) before Mutsu or Colorado plz

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meant switz one



the swiss one as the guy that i replied to said so

i was on about the other guy he is confusing me

So quick read through that have I got this right ?

Did someone ask for the Finnish Hornet in Germany ?

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nonoono , nobody did

No and I dont think they ever got any jet from russia that was. They just switched to typhoon and F35s ~recently other than those ik nothing

I wouldnt mind farming for a swiss f18 with my LazurM

Err- More that someone said legacy Hornets can’t use AMRAAMs and legacy Hornets shouldn’t come to the game.

it was me getting confused due to all this nonsense

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