Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

sweden? right in the finnish air tree i guess



yeah Sweden their is no where else


it would be useless, the gripen that they have rn is capable of carrying AMRAAMs

sm doesnt exist

and is far superior to whatever F18 version

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and they will get it anyway

It wont though, the Gripen A is going to remain without BVR, with a C model carrying RB-99s

i mean, i would argue the F-15 is usless as well, when US F16C is stronger and capable of carriyng amraams as well. It is just for completions sake. Not every new additions needs to be meta or the strongest aircraft u know


FM yes but amount of payload no

Errr- All Hornets can uses AMRAAMs.

F/A-18A could use them after an upgrade in the 90s.

The only Hornets that can’t are the 80s F/A-18A/B model.


F15 is far superior to any F16 (I have played both)

kek, tell that the F-15A in the US tree lol


You’re right. Give the Finnish F-18 to France instead. It can be company for the ito-90

how so

it is worse then the F-16C

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F15 overall are faster, turn faster (yes wings brake sometimes), more BVR missiles more IR missiles more flares and thats that

And with AMRAAMs comming soon I don’t think well get the 80s Hornet just the 90+ ones.

Unless we get a nation that has no other option but an 80s Hornet for it air tree. Oh C/D is 1887 oops.

No? The finnish alr have a subtree in sweden, it would go there. France can get the swiss F-18 if they need one that bad.

not more Ir but more radar with ir