Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

nobody , i said it COULD come cause nobody said it wouldn’t (smin , any other moderator , etc …)

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wasn’t Su-24 on one of the new leak lists?

it was on a couple of “leak list” yes




Thats clearly a legacy hornet so…

lmaoing at the F-86D on the first list

I cant find if the finnish version can carry AMRAAMs but probably it cant as from what I know only the Super hornet (E,F) can carry AMRAAMs. Anything that can’t carry AMRAAMs will not come this update and you shouldn’t even care about them because its going to be obsolete. If you want the plane just because you like it thats understandable but they simply won’t add it now.

No, legacy can use AMRAAMS

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And even tho people overhype AMRAAMs they aren’t gonna be so good at low altitudes anyway but its still gonna be the main focus of the devs for the next update (either be it AIM120B or C-7)

I bet amraams are gonna be useless for the first few updates

What? Legacy Hornets can use AMRAAMs

if multipath remains the same they gonna blow dick like SARHs do right now


Nah not necessarily, but the devs need to kinda balance them now. For example you wouldn’t be able to fire them under 5 kms of altitude or etc. Otherwise I might as well just only use amraams and not IRs

But if I got AIM120C-7 and you got R77, we’re both at a correct altitude and we fire on each other at the same time thats not gonna end well for neither of us. So that doesn’t mean we still wouldn’t be hugging the ground.

PROBABLY an AMRAAM strategy would be to save them for late game rather than firing them like ATGMs in the first 2 mins of a round.

Damn ok (its still not coming)

I’m using them as long range IR missiles in head-ons like I already do for SARHs.

Toptier air rb matches only last for 5/6 mins. There’s no point of saving them.

you cant know, stop talking so absolut

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I just told you that at the start of a game it wouldn’t be possible to fire them, the devs need to add missile counterparts that will have the ~same probability to hit you. We all just gonna die at the start of the game if it were to stay at high altitudes.

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so its gonna be a finnish f18 going to what nation exactly?