Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Oh, Jean Bart, I’m waiting for him too.
But most of all I’m looking forward to Strasbourg 1942 and Richelieu 1943 (after modernization)
I hope in this patch we will see new tops for the French fleet in the form of Dunkerque or Strasbourg


This one is late Jean Bart modernization.
(added a cool last picture for secondary)

12x 100 mm twin AA turrets,
14x 57mm Bofors twin AA turrets,

Radar-assisted, not many aircraft could approach :p


Yes I know. I remember writing a proposal about him on the old forum. I suggested Jean Bart 1955


Desperately I want to see more, all the new designs get progressively cooler and perhaps it means we can realise more of the Royal Navy fleet too.

Now that would be an AA refit holy hell.

Hiei would be cool since her pagoda served as a kind of “tech demo” for Yamato. And Kirishima would be cool since she was the only Japanese battleship to score hits on another battleship.
Unfortunately, from the teaser for the previous patch, we’re pretty sure one of them is going to be the as-built configuration.

User model or work in process ?

what user models get wrong is how the aircraft “skin” looks very smooth which is not that realistic

those images are garbage i cant tell crap from them

This may look like potato pixel mess (And it really is that)…
But even still, I can notice one distinct thing
LERX wing fences. If I remember correctly, they were installed on F/A-18Cs (Not sure about A+)


These things

So uh, there’s that.

Finnish F/A-18C perhaps?

It’s not a user model.

US ones have that as well

I meant as in maybe its for the Finnish air sub tree, im aware both US and FIN F/A-18s have them

At least a few A models received them later.

F-18 as been confirmed not to come this update by smin , the SU-24 could come , but considering the 2 pictures are of the same quality , expect it to also be fake

said who

some leaker said in june

didn’t see that

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Last time I was told that the only that said that had nothing to back them up. So was a baseless clam.

Well I don’t trust this leaker clam I do trust the fact I wasn’t on the trused leakers list for this update so it’s not coming.

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ahh ok