Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Oh absolutely, I love them


Im very excited to see them if they ever come

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Can you get a better closer picture, I’m pretty sure those are just pop up light for takeoff and landing, not DRICM jammers

Here’s the same lights in a normal Su-25

Problem is, all sensors on the SM3 are specifically called IR sensors, not jammers, which leaves me to believe it just doesn’t have such a system present

Techniclly the LAV is an APC. Canada just uses them like an IFV.


Yeah fair enough, I was just too lazy/tired to properly type it

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Minor issue the Alpha jets Canada uses are part of Top Aces, a private defence contractor that works with the RCAF.

So unless we are going back on the privet companies don’t count as Smin said before I wouldn’t count the Canadian Alpha Jets ass possible.

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Well UK ones are also privat
I thought Canada actually used them

Man I just want my f4f ice, and my event amx13-105.

Canada can be a full tree and has some really goofy stuff. (I can break out the folder if needed)

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Why is it that you want the AMX-13 105 to be an event vehicle?

I don’t have france.

So you’re selfish.

Nah, honestly it was bait and it worked.

No, you’re just selfish.


Glad you agree.

It says the 414 Electronic Warfare Support Squadron uses them but they aren’t listed as RCAF aircraft on anything else. So I think they use them through Top Aces.

Besides as an EW plane, I doubt they are armed with weapons. Much like the Electric Voodoo I looked into.

Yes, I’m not sure where the system is placed, but I’m certain it exists, It’s apart of the L-370-3S complex.

You can have a system without the full thaing being present. The T-90M lost the jammers but kept the LWS, it’s possible that the same thaing happened with the Su-25SM3, and that it only has the MAWS system

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