Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Yeah. Problem with that is Gaijin just hasn’t added the P-4 yet (all-aspect P-3, no IRCCM), so I don’t think they’re gonna go down that route

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I wonder if the jet they mentioned for Germany was the f4f ice and instead of aim120, they give it iris t and slap it at 12.7 lol. I doubt it though. Iris-t would have to be super nerfed. That means they’d never have to add aim9l to a german phantom tho.

Something is off, Smin showed his face today already and he didn’t get dogpiled with questions.

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Doesnt have hmd, so thats a nerf already

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No one is on the forum yet, either too early or too late for most

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Agreed. Do you happen to know if they can slave iris-t to radar? That would be at least something. A missile advanced as iris-t has to have it tho.



Yes, they accepted exactly the Nagato that I suggested :)

But I don’t agree that Nagato will be worse than Scharnhorst (If I get you right). Still, Nagato has excellent armor (especially armoring ammunition magazines), an excellent rate of fire of 2.5 rounds per minute for the 410mm main battery, and powerful projectiles.
Yes, you’re a little slower, but that won’t hurt you to beat Scharnhorst)


If they show the ship, it will be great :)

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Hopefully a underwater boat


This would also be cool.

It’s going to be a boot, obviously.
(For those that don’t get the joke, boot is boat in German)

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Boatblog. I sleep.

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I-400 pls



I’m pretty sure the evidence was rather conclusive that the Abrams DIDN’T have a spall liner in the tank, and American mains were instead spinning conspiracy’s about some Kevlar within the composite armor (a spall liner can’t do its job if its not the last layer) and UK tanks like the Chally shouldn’t even have Spall liners, as its been proven to be nothing more than sound dampening foam that would offer little to no ballistic protection


That was for the chieftans. not the Challenger.

woah woah woah
Thats what gajin said for Challenger 1
Challenger 2 does have spall liners and is getting more depending on how it takes gajin to add it



oh damn i thought it was ruled out as just Sound dampening and material to help with keeping heat in/out

well, gaijin thinks so, sources say different

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