Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Thermals as well, so it would be considered a really good upgrade.

Modern thermals will help a lot for making CAS runs, but yeah it won’t be a huge game changer unless it does somehow get an IRCM system

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Imagine the new map is White Rock Fortress our beloved



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if the limited sources ive found the kh29TD in the game doesnt exist well it does but not in this name
what we is a TE basically meaning its a standard T with E= extended range
while 29D is a TE with thermal seeker.

but yes getting thermals for ruskis is pretty cool wish they added the t220 pod for smt tho


thes very much can be fake

Sea Harrier FRS.51 (2012) would be 12.7 BR and better Sea Harrier FA.2

New Eagle Air superiority for USA tech tree might be F-15C MSIP II from 2001 with AN/APG-63(V)1 radar, IR SRAAM AIM-9M/AIM-9M-9 and BVRAAM SARH AIM-7MH & ARH AIM-120B/AIM-120C-3/AIM-120C-5 but without Joint Helmet-Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS)

Mirage 2000H (IAF) something better Mirage 2000-5 Mk.2 ?

Skeptical if we’re already getting the SM3 lol

Better thermals? Because iirc the base Mk.3 already has gen1 gunner thermals.

Seems like a marginally better Mk.3D. 11.0 would be a fine BR for it, but knowing Gaijin it might end up at 11.3.

Not sure if this has been posted here yet. Thought I’d share it with folk here. I’d take it with a grain of salt.

Theyd be identical in performance

Aim-9M vs Magic 2s
Derby vs Aim-120B
Radar performance is similar, but Id put my money on the FA2.

As far as I am aware. FRS51 still use Mk103 engine, whilst the FA2 has the upgraded MK105 engine that the Gr7/AV-8B+ have. So in that regard FA2 is better.

If FRS51 gets added. Im gunna assume it would be a 12.3 Premium version of the 12.3 FA2 on the TT

thats the chinese guy list just made a bit more fancy

French mains wont like it seeing in UK tree


It features a few more additions, F2, F15C, etc

My only β€œbut”

Is why Britain is getting Alpha jet and not Hawk. Doesnt make any sense to me. Unless it means Hawk but Alpha has been put in error.


The only thing I can think of is if the sensors can also jam IR missiles, like the pod on the MI-28NM, because like I said, there is a video of it supposedly dodging multiple Manpands while basically flying straight, so hard to say

the person added them from other lists, you clearly see where they got pasted into it

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Ah, okay. Thanks for clarifying.