Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I’m not sure, but if the system works the same way it does in the Ka-52 and MI-28NM, then it should be all aspect more or less.

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Will we get the next devblog?

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Then, I relaly hope not, that would be kinda OP, to be totally and completely immune to IR missiles like the Ka-52s are.

I hate fighting the Su-39s in SB because my only usable weapon is guns and Britain doesnt really have gun fighter at that BR

Especially after the BOL nerfs and the lack of MAWS on aircraft.

It has it, just look up Vitebsk-25

dont forget it will be at least 11.7 if not 12.0 or higher if it gets the r77 as well

I’m just guessing here, but since the uv detection camera faces forward and defeats frontal threats and the ircm we have on the su25t and su39 defeat rear threats? or was the ircm we currently have on those aircraft omitted for some reason?

Another interesting thing worth talking about from the leak list Is the Merkavas mentioned. It has an APS system, but not Trophy. It has the “Purple Thunder APS” which is a soft kill system that’s designed to detect incoming missiles and shoot out a smoke screen, similar to the laser warning system on a T-90A. But there’s one key difference, which is that it uses radar to pick up the incoming missiles, so therefore should also be capable of picking up and warning the player to TV and beam riding missiles that a LWS can’t see

I didn’t say it would ? I’m saying the " Leo 2TR " has a strong chance of just being the existing " Leo 2A4(Turkish Armed Forces) skin

Our source is the same one that misidentified( but still managed to accurately predict( eventually )) the world war 1 dreadnought da Vinci as being the much later Littorio. It 's entirely w/in the realm of reason that they could misidentify a Leopard 2 aswell.

Surely Teaser tonight, right?






Well. Lets assume for a moment its 12.3 and fights Sea harrier FA2.

My only weapon would be AMRAAM and Id just have to hope that the AMRAAM wasnt easy to defeat with Chaff + MWS.

Because it would have no guns in normal configs. If they were a regular encounter. Id have to perhasp run 2x AMRAAM and 2x Gunpods just to deal with them



lets see what will be tomorrow’s devblog

to be fair naval even more so italian is very niche, the leopards are way more iconic and known even more with already eixisting texture files he can compare them to

new map or a ship

the correct answer in that moment is use the grippen, would say asraam but gajin needs to add those first

The reason I’m sceptical is because in this advertisement, it never explicitly states or labels any jammers, it simply talks about a MAWS system

It’s kinda like how the T-90M still technically has Shtora system, because it keeps the laser warning devices, but it doesn’t have the jammers.

But then.

“cant use native aircraft, must use SA aircraft because Su-25SM3s cant be defeated without hte use of Guns” kinda sucks.

You can physically see the IRCM system on the Su-39/25T on the rear end, and it’s limitation to only effect missiles coming from behind is realistic. With the Su-25SM3 tho, it’s hard to say with certainly if it even has the jammers or not, but we know that it has several Cameras in the front and back of the plane to detect incoming missiles.

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So that ircm was removed in favor of the uv warning system? If that’s the case, I don’t know why they would make the plane less capable aside from cost. Interesting.